[robocup-small] Hardware Challenges Update

Selina Zwerver s.zwerver at roboteamtwente.nl
Fri May 21 06:09:50 EDT 2021

Dear SSL teams,

The RoboCup is starting in a month, and we are working hard on scheduling
the challenges and tournament.

Reserving time slots for HW challenges and TC

As mentioned in earlier updates, teams can reserve a 2 hour time slot to
perform their hardware challenges. A second 2 hour time slot can be
reserved as a backup. This second time slot is only used when (technical)
difficulties occur and it’s impossible for you to participate in some or
all the challenges at that point in time. You are not allowed to retake a
challenge in the second time slot if you completed that challenge in the
first. For the technical challenge(s), teams can reserve two 1 hour time
slots, of which the second one is a backup.

The time slots can be reserved here
A google account is required to reserve a time slot. Please provide your
team name and number of the time slot (1: Primary, 2: Backup) in the
description when reserving, in the format ‘Team X - Timeslot #’.

If none of the time slots work for you, please let us know and we will see
what we can do. The schedule for the virtual tournament will be announced
later. Note that if you schedule your challenges in the week of the
RoboCup, it is possible that you will have your challenges and a virtual
match at the same time. You are of course allowed to reschedule your time
slots when this occurs, or make use of your back-up time slot.

Hardware challenges update

There was a small update to the rules for challenge 3, because the position
of the attacker was not specified. The exact change can be reviewed on

Additionally, the exact methods of scoring were added. They can also be
reviewed on GitHub

All changes are already applied to the latest rule book

Good luck with the preparations!

Kind regards,
Selina Zwerver
RoboCup Small Size League | Organizing Committee
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