[robocup-humanoid] Invitation to the virtual Robotic Hamburg Open workshop (04/12 - 06/12)

Maike Paetzel maike.paetzel at it.uu.se
Wed Nov 25 04:09:12 EST 2020

Dear Humanoid teams,

I have been asked to forward you this message as you are warmly invited to take part in this year's vRoHOW (virtual Robotic Hamburg Open workshop).



Dear fellow RoboCup teams,

This is the Call for participation of the virtual Robotic Hamburg Open
Workshop (vRoHOW) 2020. The event will take place over the weekend from
4th to 6th of December.

As announced previously this year's vRoHOW will have the same goals as
every year: Exchanging knowledge in workshops and discussions, expanding
your horizon in talks, and chatting together with a cold beer or soft
drink. The event will be driven by contributions in the form of talks,
presentations and workshops. Discord will be our venue with multiple
rooms and areas prepared. Combined with additional tools and your
participation we will bring the virtual RoHOW to life.

For participation do the following:
Send a message to roboting at tuhh.de<mailto:roboting at tuhh.de> until the 30th of November 2020
expressing your interest in participation.
This message should include your team name, a contact person and the
number of team members joining the event.

There will be no participation fee!

We are looking forward to see you during the event!

Keep safe and stay healthy
Team HULKs

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