[robocup-humanoid] RoboCup Humanoid League competition aimed to be virtual in 2021

Maike Paetzel maike.paetzel at it.uu.se
Wed Dec 30 18:24:56 EST 2020

Dear Humanoid League Teams,

The LOC in Bordeaux and the Trustees have now taken the decision that there will be no physical RoboCup competition in Bordeaux in 2021.
After discussions within the TC and with the Trustees, we are now aiming to host a virtual Humanoid League competition in 2021. The current preliminary plan is to play fully virtual games with 4 vs 4 robots in KidSize and 2 vs 2 robots in AdultSize. The exact rules of the game and details of what simulator will be used are still under discussion. We will give you a more detailed update on these by the end of January 2021.

The virtual competition will be open for all teams who are interested to participated independent of a previous participation in or qualification for the RoboCup Humanoid League. Registration costs for the virtual competition will be substantially lower than for the regular competitions. Details on the registration process will follow later.

Cheers and happy new year to all of you!
Maike (for the RoboCup Humanoid Technical Committee)

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