[robocup-small] RoboCup Open Meeting Summary

Carla Cosenza carlaszecosenza at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 27 09:19:47 EDT 2020


Firstly, thank you to everyone who participated in our virtual open meeting! These meetings have been very important for the committee to align with the league our goals and objectives, while also discussing qualification and rules. Following up on one of the suggestions, we would like to ask all teams to fill out this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Xk9rZ-emUL1OBDjIplYGQQ4KIqsf9uOtLNYXr4kuqjA/edit> by Monday (August 10th, 2020). This will give us a better understanding on which technologies the league as a whole uses for robot-computer communication.

Below is a short summary of the topics addressed in the meeting. The whole meeting agenda can be found in this doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y92jnlx7kuI68XY6Mo3hGPWqhfQ0sb_ryC9qO19WE2w/edit?usp=sharing>. We encourage all teams that did not manage to participate in the meeting to read the doc. We will not be hosting a second meeting for those who did not manage to participate, but do expect more meetings of this kind before the RoboCup. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Meeting summary:

  *   Brasil Open is thinking about doing a virtual competition

  *   Tech challenges

     *   Some rule changes will be made to clarify procedures

  *   Rule changes

     *   There are no planned changes in the rules, but if any do appear, they will be done before November

  *   Qualification

     *   All teams qualified last year remain qualified

     *   Accepting new qualifications for remaining slots

     *   Qualified teams will probably have the option of submitting a new TDP

  *   Walls

     *   Want at least two demo games with walls

  *   Expectations for the long term goals

     *   Focus more on AI

     *   Improve Human-robot interaction

     *   Fast yet understandable matches for spectators

     *   Bring the cost down on hardware

     *   Increase overall game play time

Best regards,

Carla Cosenza

RoboCup Small Size League | Organizing Committee

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