[robocup-small] OC Nomination

Tobias Heineken tobias.heineken at robotics-erlangen.de
Mon Jul 13 06:33:34 EDT 2020

Dear Teams, dear officials,

I'd like to nominate myself, Tobias Heineken (ER-Force),
for the open position in the organizing committee for RoboCup 2021 in 
Bordeaux, France.

I've been on international competitions since 2015 and I think it's time 
for me to give something back.
I know good organization can make or break a competition, and I've seen 
plenty examples for both.
And I know it's hard work that isn't honored often enough.
I have to say "Thanks!" to all the people who ran the previous competitions,
and I feel a civic duty to return that favor now
and help to increase the likelihood of a successful tournament in Bordeaux.
I think we all hope for a good competition in 2021
to partially compensate for all the things that didn't work the way we 
wished this year.
It'll be great to see each other in person next year.

I want to make sure future robocuppers can share the same joy,
the same enthusiasm and the same sportsmanship,
that I came to enjoy in the last 5 years.

There's one caveat: I feel like I can't let my team down during RoboCup 
I will not be able to re-allocate a large amount of time in Bordeaux.
As unforeseen events always tend to happen on the venue,
I am painfully aware of this major flaw.
However, I'd be happy to assist our already elected OCs during the 
upcoming year,
and while it not be the best to wish for, this is the best I can offer.

See you all in Bordeaux,
Tobias Heineken

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