[robocup-small] North America Open Competition - Interest Survey

Stuckey, William M stuckey at gatech.edu
Sun Sep 30 21:21:41 EDT 2018

Hi SSL RoboCuppers,

The Georgia Tech RoboJackets are prepared to host a RoboCup Small Size League competition in March of 2019. We would like to gather a list of interested teams to see if a North American open is feasible. We have a location reserved and field materials sourced.

When and where is it?
If enough teams are interested, the event will be held on March 30-31, 2019. It will take place at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, GA.

The event will begin early Saturday morning and will conclude in the evening on Sunday. Teams are advised to arrive Friday afternoon or evening and depart Monday morning.

Who can sign up?
We welcome any team to this event, even if you have not been to an official world competition. We want to provide a stepping stone for young teams in the region to practice and qualify for the world competition.

What field configuration will you be running?
We will be running a division A field, but we will support dividing it to handle teams that want to play on a division B field.

How much will it cost?
Team registration will be less than $100, and there will be no individual registration fee. This small fee will help cover the cost of the venue and field materials that we couldn’t get sponsored. Your team will still have to cover transportation and lodging.

How many teams can you support?
We want to hear how many people interested teams would bring, but right now we will host the event if at least 3 other teams can commit to bringing robots. (Teams that cannot field robots are still welcome to attend and collaborate.)

Are there any other things going on?
RoboJackets will be hosting a small BattleBots and autonomous robot racing competition, as well as a few events targeted at a younger demographic. We also anticipate Georgia Tech’s Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines to be demonstrating some of their research.

As always, there are many fun things to do in Atlanta.

What do we need to do to sign up?
Don’t book tickets yet; we want to make sure enough teams can make it. If you are interested, please reply to this email (either in a thread or back to me personally) stating that your team is interested in coming. Please include the number of people you think you can bring and the likelihood that you can acquire funding to send those people if you don’t already have it.

Please let me know by November 5th. Shortly after that, we will inform the mailing list if we had enough interest to move forward. You should book tickets at that time.

I hope to see as many of you as possible in Atlanta this March!

Peace, Love, and Robots,
Will Stuckey

Electrical/Firmware Guy
RoboJackets President Emeritus | robojackets.org<http://robojackets.org/>
C: 540-907-6723
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