[robocup-small] Kick-off of RoboCup 2012 - message to SSL community

Angelo Gurzoni Junior jgurzoni at yahoo.com.br
Wed Aug 31 11:28:35 EDT 2011

Dear Small Size League fellows, greetings !


We, the RoboCup 2012 Committee members, are very enthusiastic and full of
ideas for our league, and we would like to share with all of you. To begin
with, we reaffirm our commitment to the community: we are your
representatives, and we are bound to act as such. We want to listen to the
community. To discuss, think, collaborate, build together. We want to help
evolve our league, so when we see the 2050 match happening, we can say "We
built a tiny piece of that, we were part of it."


The committees met in Istanbul, and again couple weeks ago. From the
brainstorm came up lessons learned from past competitions, ideas about new
forms of collaboration and research, rule improvements, and even a logo ! In
the coming lines, we very briefly describe the key points. We invite you all
to think about them, and be ready for the discussions when we send details
of each of these ideas, very soon.


We defined a top priority, to guide all our actions. And we believe that it
can only be achieved if all of us in the community work together. Our top
priority is to Make the game more Intelligent.

This means we need to focus on actions that will make the league to be THE
best test bench on RoboCup. Winning is nice, but should not be the reason we
work so hard.


The starting step is to know the teams, so we kindly ask every team,
regardless of the participation in the past competition, to fill a brief
survey. The Link will be sent in the next days.

After the collection of the survey results, the next step is to have both a
roadmap for the next three years and the major rule changes discussed with
everybody. We drafted some ideas, and would like not only hear your feedback
about them, but also hear other proposals. Again, we want a more intelligent
game, that's our driving force.


The ideas we drafted are: 

* Mixed team collaboration:

We believe having more focus on mixed teams will allow us to have games with
more robots and opens room for a new line of research.

* Development of new software and improvement of existing:

- Perhaps creating a prize for those who help to improve League's

- We want to document SSL and to incentive the development of plug-ins that
can make it better. 

- We want to get the so expected autonomous referee (and we got a great
candidate app from a member of the B-Smart team!). 

- Have standard simulators, and more. 

- We intend to foster collaboration, we will need developers for all this. 

* Help new and existing teams to quickly evolve:

Helping teams on topics that other teams already succeeded. One example is
to request electronic and mechanical drawings of all the existing robots,
all teams.

* Rule Changes: 

The idea behind these changes is to help increase dynamic play and make the
game more interesting and thus a better platform for research. The following
are rules we are considering to implement, and will need your feedback to
determine which of them can be added.

- Decrease the maximum ball speed. We believe the game will not become
boring, but rather much more dynamic, as more passing will be necessary. The
new maximum speed needs to be defined, though

- Increase the number of robots to 6 in 2012.

- Increase the size of the field a little, pending technical feasibility.

- Increase the defense area size. Our area is currently very small, favoring
the positioning of defensive robots permanently in front of the goalie, and
these robots are more like goal keepers than line players. 

* Create a Vision Statement:

To guide the Organizing Committee work in the next few years towards a goal
that you all agree on, we also hope to create a vision statement that best
reflects what the League values are.  What is our main focus of research?
Why are we building robots?  Are we trying to be the best at anything?  In
the survey we will send you, Question 9 is to reflect these values. However,
this topic is not limited to one question in the survey. Feel free to send
your views on this matter to the OC.


We hope to have everybody's collaboration, and expect your ideas and



Best Regards,

The SSL Executive, Technical and Organizing committees for RoboCup Mexico




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