[robocup-nao] GameController RoboCup 2019 Edition

Arne Hasselbring arha at uni-bremen.de
Mon Jun 10 16:49:50 EDT 2019


we have uploaded the GameController for RoboCup 2019 to the Downloads 
page of the SPL website: https://spl.robocup.org/downloads/

It is necessary to recompile the code with the updated versions of the 
header files provided with the GameController.

The changes are:

1. Added support for corner kicks and kick-ins.

2. Added illegal positioning penalty (on the illegal defender button 
during the set state).

3. Timeout resets the game clock to the time when the stoppage of play 
began (previously only worked if the timeout was taken in the ready state).

4. Reduced TCM limit of messages per second to 1.

5. secsTillUnpenalised is clipped to 255 and does not overflow anymore.

6. Changed the RoboCupGameControlData structure.

7. Fallen/Inactive Robot is not an incremental penalty anymore.

8. Labels of free kick buttons do not contain the team color.

9. During free kicks, it is possible to directly switch to a free kick 
for the other team or add goals.

10. The GameController does not come with a precompiled libgamectrl 
anymore. The library cannot be used on NAO V6 anyway. If you are still 
using NAO V4/V5, you can build it from the sources found at 

Best regards,
Arne Hasselbring
(Team B-Human)

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