[robocup-nao] SPLStandardMessage updated

Thomas Röfer Thomas.Roefer at dfki.de
Sat Mar 15 05:07:25 EDT 2014

Dear RoboCuppers,

the GameController 2014 German Open Edition was updated at the SPL "Downloads" webpage.

The relevant change is:

- In the struct SPLStandardMessage, the length of the field "data" was extended from 800 bytes to 802 bytes. With the old length of 800 bytes, the sum over the sizes of all fields of the SPLStandardMessage was 858, but C reported the size of the whole struct as 860 bytes (with two padding bytes at the end). The change avoids different interpretations of the size of the SPLStandardMessage, because now it is 860 bytes in any case.

In addition, there are some changes in the actual GameController that mainly concern the Humanoid League.  

Have fun!

Sebastian, Tim, Thomas

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