[robocup-nao] B-Human Code Release and Team Report 2011

Tim Laue timlaue at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Fri Oct 21 14:59:22 EDT 2011

Hi RoboCuppers!

The team B-Human announces the availability of our 2011 code release at


The release comes with a comprehensive team report that explains how to
use our code and how it works. The software released is a cleaned-up
version of the system we used at RoboCup 2011. However, the behavior has
been replaced by a very basic striker that was not part of our original
system. Nevertheless, the team report describes the whole system that
was used in Istanbul.

Our software is released with its own 3-D simulator and build system.
Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS are fully supported.

Please note that our new license has been changed again. All teams that
want to use our code in a RoboCup competition have to announce this fact
one month prior to that competition in the official SPL mailing list
(currently robocup-nao at cc.gatech.edu). This is independent from any
requirements the TC might come up with for the qualification process.

Have fun :-)

Team B-Human

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