[robocup-legged] Call for Participation - 1st IFAC Workshop in Multi-Vehicle Systems

Pedro M U A Lima pal at isr.ist.utl.pt
Tue Aug 22 05:12:52 EDT 2006

[apologies for duplicate posting]

------ C A L L  F O R  P A R T I C I P A T I O N -------

       1st IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems - MVS'06
                Salvador, BA - Brazil
                    2-3 October 2006


Multivehicle systems have been the topic of much research due to their 
ability to perform dangerous, repetitive and automated tasks in remote 
or hazardous environments. Besides, a multivehicle system provides 
global robustness and individual component simplicity. The possibility 
for cooperative multivehicle systems to accomplish given tasks has kept 
the attention of researchers from several fields around the world, such 
as robotics, control systems, and computer science.

The objective of MVS'06 is to provide an international forum for the 
discussion of recent developments and advances in the field of 
multivehicle systems, including topics such as coordinated control, 
multivehicle communication and planning, cooperative perception, 
cooperative navigation, and related topics. High quality paper 
presentations and plenary talks with exponents in the field will take 
place at the workshop. In-depth discussions of relevant theories and 
applications related to multivehicle systems will be strongly  encouraged.

Take a look at the workshop program at 

On-line registration for the workshop is open. Early registration can be 
performed until August 25th.

More information can be found at 

Registration fees:

* Regular (SBA or IFAC affiliated)
     Early - R$650,00 (aprox. $300,00 USD)
     Late  - R$760,00 (aprox. $350,00 USD)

* Regular (non affiliated)
     Early - R$760,00 (aprox. $350,00 USD)
     Late  - R$870,00 (aprox. $400,00 USD)

* Student (SBA or IFAC affiliated)
     Early - R$260,00 (aprox. $120,00 USD)
     Late  - R$325,00 (aprox. $150,00 USD)

* Student (non affiliated)
     Early - R$325,00 (aprox. $150,00 USD)
     Late  - R$390,00 (aprox. $180,00 USD)

* Additional banquet tickets
     R$65,00 (aprox. $30,00 USD)/ticket

Plenary Talks
02/10 - Challenges and Opportunities in Multi-Agent Systems

Speaker: George J. Pappas
          Associate Professor, GRASP Director
          University of Pennsylvania

03/10 - Intelligence, Reasoning, and Knowledge in Multi-Vehicle Systems: 
Recent Advances and Current Research Challenges

Speaker: Lynne E. Parker
          Associate Professor
          University of Tennessee

More information at

- General Chair: Anna Reali Costa, USP, Brazil

- International Program Committee:

Chair: Pedro Lima, ISR/IST, Tech. U. Lisbon, Portugal

Editor: Carlos Ribeiro, ITA, São José dos Campos, Brazil

     * Aluizio F. R. Araújo, UFPE, Brazil
     * Andrea Bonarini; Politecnico di Milano; Italy
     * Carlos H. C. Ribeiro; ITA; Brazil
     * Colin McMillen, CMU, USA
     * Daniel D. Lee; U. of Pennsylvania; USA
     * Dennis Irwin; Ohio University; USA
     * Edson R. de Pieri, UFSC, Brazil
     * Enrico Pagello; U. of Padua; Italy
     * Fernando C. Lizarralde; COPPE - UFRJ; Brazil
     * Fernando Lobo Pereira; FEUP; Portugal
     * Francesco Bullo, UCSB, USA
     * Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar; AIS Fraunhofer Institute; Germany
     * Hideki Hashimoto; U. of Tokyo; Japan
     * Javier R. del Solar; U. de Chile; Chile
     * Jun Okamoto Jr; USP; Brazil
     * Jurek Z. Sasiadek; Carleton U.; Canada
     * Kurt Dresner; U. Texas, USA
     * Liu Hsu, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
     * Luiz Chaimowicz, UFMG, Brazil
     * M. Isabel Ribeiro; ISR/IST; Portugal
     * Mário M. Campos; UFMG; Brazil
     * Michael Jenkin; York U.; Canada
     * Minoru Asada, U. of Osaka, Japan
     * Naomi Leonard, Princeton, USA
     * Paulo M. Engel; UFRGS; Brazil
     * Paulo Tabuada, U. Notre-Dame, USA
     * Rachid Alami, LAAS, France
     * Robert Sutton, U. of Plymouth, UK
     * Roseli A. F. Romero, USP, Brazil

- Sociedade Brasileira de Automática -- SBA
- International Federation of Automatic Control -- IFAC, through
      * Technical Comitee of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (7.5)
      * Technical Comitee of Robotics (4.3)
      * Technical Comitee of Marine Systems (7.2)
      * Technical Comitee of Aerospace (7.3)

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