[robocup-legged] Rules clarification for goalkeeper penalties

Colin McMillen mcmillen at cs.cmu.edu
Fri May 19 14:57:45 EDT 2006

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Hi all,

The most recent rules have the following snippet about the goalkeeper
getting called for ball holding (section 4.5):

"In case of a violation by the goal keeper, the robot will be removed
for 0 seconds as per the standard removal penalty, i. e. it will be
placed on the halfway line immediately (no need to be kept outside of
the field)."

So for ball holding, the keeper is "special", in that it is removed for
0 seconds instead of the normal 30 seconds used for field players.

However, there is no such exception for the other rules (as I read
them).  So a keeper that accidentally wanders off the field (or pushes
other players, or knocks over markers) would be removed for 30 seconds,
not 0 seconds.  Is this intentional, or an oversight?  I seem to
remember that previous revisions of the rules considered the keeper
robot "special", such that all keeper penalties were 0-second penalties.
But that seems to no longer be the case.

In any event, it would be good to have a clarification, as I believe
that, during the 2006 US Open, goalies that wandered off the field were
removed for 0 seconds, not the 30 seconds that the rules seem to imply.


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