[robocup-legged] Challenges Only Teams

William Uther willu.mailingLists at cse.unsw.edu.au
Tue Mar 7 20:17:36 EST 2006

   Given the small number of teams (6 by my count) who want to  
participate in the challenges, but who are not qualified for the  
soccer competition, we are going allow those teams to register for  
the challenges only.  We are _NOT_ promising tables at this point,  
but will try to arrange for them (space is an issue, but we're  
looking at options and are hopeful it can be worked out).

List of teams I have who have expressed interest:

Technical Uni. Crete
Dutch AIBO Team
Technical University of Portugal

This only includes teams who are NOT qualified for the main  
competition.  Please let me know if I have made any mistakes.

Teams on this list should register as normal.

Be well,

Will       :-}

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