[robocup-legged] AIBO_2006 Teams.

Thomas Röfer roefer at tzi.de
Tue Feb 7 08:33:13 EST 2006

>  Dear all, 
>    I have a suggestion related to the number of teams in 
> AIBO_2006 league. I propose to have a 32-team AIBO league in 
> RoboCup_2006 because of the following reasons.
That is impossible. 24 teams result in 64 games if play again the 8x3, 8x2,
4x4 preliminaries (+8 games in the play-offs), and it would be 68 games with
4x6 preliminaries. More games do not fit into the schedule (there is also
opening ceremony, welcome reception, banquet, etc.).

In addition, typically not all pre-registered teams will actually submit
qualification material.

> Because 
> more than half of the participating teams, approximately 54 
> percent is qualified before qualification phase. 

The previous RoboCup is part of the qualification phase. Eight teams are
pre-qualified because they reached the quarter final, i.e. they are the top
1/3 of the league. These teams would qualify under any conditions.
(Normally) four teams are pre-qualified to give the Technical Challenge a
certain importance, so teams are motivated to work on the challenges. So one
half of the participants gained their qualification through their previous
results, and the other half has to show what they can do now. Since two
teams scored the same results in the Technical Challenges, the number of
pre-qualified teams is slightly higher this year, but in 2004, we even had
14 pre-qualified teams.

Actually, the set of pre-qualified teams does not change very much from year
to year. This is an indication that these teams show a rather constant
Best regards

Thomas Röfer

|Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Röfer
|Assistant Professor (C1)
|Fachbereich 3
|Universität Bremen 
|email: roefer at tzi.de
|WWW:   http://www.tzi.de/~roefer/
|Phone: +49 (421) 218-4659
|Fax:   +49 (421) 218-3054

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