[robocup-humanoid] V-HSC Newsletter 6

Ludovic Hofer lhofer at labri.fr
Thu Apr 22 17:04:03 EDT 2021

Dear Humanoid Teams,

This is the sixth Humanoid league newsletter.

It will present the following topics:

- Deadline for robot model submission and team registration (tomorrow!)
- First version of an automated referee (AutoRef)
- Postponing the decision on the server infrastructure
- Upcoming dates

# Deadline for robot model submission and team registration

The registration for the competition is still opened until April 23rd
AOE (Anywhere On Earth), make sure to register by then if you are
interested to participate.

The same deadline applies to submit the current version of your robot
model if you intend to play with a custom robot. It is mandatory to
submit this first version for teams who want to play with a custom robot
model. However, you will be able to make changes to it for the second
deadline on May 23rd.

We would like to remind you the process for the review of the robot models:

1. Submission of first version of robot models on April 23rd.
2. Reviewers are assigned on April 24th.
3. Teams need to review two other robot models with a deadline on May 3rd.
4. TC plans on sending feedback on models by May 7th.
5. Submission of second version of robot model, including a simple
controller and a video of the robot standing up is required by May 23rd.

It will be possible to make adjustments to the model after May 23rd by
sending a written request to the TC. Only approved models will be
allowed for the competition in June.

# First version of an automated referee (AutoRef)

Cyberbotics has released the first version of their automated referee
software that is already able to start and stop games, score goals,
replace balls back on the field and penalize robots.

You are welcome to check out the current development and test the
behavior of the AutoReferee. If you come across any issues, please
report them in the webots-fork on the TC repository. Please note that
this is not the final implementation and we expect a lot of changes on
the behavior of the Referee for the final version.

Get the current version of webots from:
Report issues with AutoReferee on Webots-fork on the TC repository:

# Postponing the decision on the server infrastructure

Due to the ongoing development of the AutoReferee and potential
implications for the computation complexity and hence the real-time
factor of the competition, we have postponed the decision where to host
the competition for another two weeks.

We expect an update on the server specifications and the robot
controller API to be made on May 3rd.

# Upcoming dates

- April 23rd: Teams need to submit the first version of their robot models
- April 24th - May 3rd: Peer-review period of robot models
- May 3rd: Expected release of:
  - Final API specification
  - Second update of the server infrastructure requirements.
- May 7th: Feedback on the first draft of the robot models sent to teams

We welcome all your questions and comments on the Discord channel and
the Forum.


Ludovic (for the Humanoid League Organizing Committee)

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