[robocup-humanoid] RobotShop - RoboCup Humanoid

Coleman Benson cbenson at robotshop.com
Thu Mar 25 11:53:12 EDT 2021


My name is Coleman Benson, R&D PM at RobotShop. RobotShop’s objectives have
always lined up very well with those of RoboCup in that we encourage
students to learn about robotics while seeking to make robotics more
mainstream and accessible. On the page describing the history of RoboCup,
you include the following text:

“An ongoing concern for RoboCup in general and the RoboCup humanoid league
in particular is the fact that as the robots become increasingly more
complex, it becomes more and more difficult for teams to be able to afford
to participate in the RoboCup competition. This problem becomes more
pressing by the fact that a full team of soccer players requires eleven
players and therefore, the number of players is increased every couple of
years. Members of the RoboCup community including the members of the TC of
the Humanoid League and the trustees are well aware of this problem and
there have been many attempts at fostering joint teams.”

We would like to work with you to resolve this issue and achieve the
objective of having a team of humanoid robots safely win a future soccer
championship against humans. We are currently developing a humanoid robot
platform based on Lynxmotion Smart Servo motors and aluminum bracket system
with several goals in mind:


   Create an affordable, all-in-one (~$2,500 USD MSRP), modular robotic
   platform which meets the requirements for participating in the RoboCup
   Humanoid KidSize competition

   Ensure the platform is easy to use and customizable to attract more
   students, and increase their chances of participation and success

   Work with teams to improve the platform (hardware and software)

   Work with RoboCup to ensure that the platform is or would be modified to
   be compliant with future changes

   Develop a network of teams and work with RoboCup to create a larger
   humanoid platform for the adult-sized competition

RobotShop owns Lynxmotion and is therefore in a position to modify and/or
adapt the smart servos and bracket system to better suit team feedback. We
would offer a discount for the prototype humanoid to teams participating in
the RoboCup competition in addition to quantity pricing. We are also
looking to provide free hardware to specific teams which can demonstrate
that they are in a position to contribute to the humanoid’s development and
its success within RoboCup.

RobotShop is currently in discussion with Intel (RealSense), OpenCV (OAK
cameras), NVidia (Jetson) regarding using their hardware in this platform.
OpenBionics has provided prototypes and designs of hands which potentially
fit the humanoid design very well. We are also working with individuals to
progress the humanoid’s ROS 2.0 integration as well as the computer vision
aspects of the humanoid.

We look forward to your reply and insights,

Coleman Benson B.Eng, B.Ed
R&D Project Manager

RobotShop inc., Putting Robotics at Your service! ®
*Tel: 450-420-1446 x 2226*
Fax : 450-420-1447
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