[robocup-humanoid] Regarding the use of compass in the robot in the rule book

Ludovic Hofer lhofer at labri.fr
Mon Oct 22 04:36:08 EDT 2018

Dear Joshua,

Thank you for your interest, using a compass is currently forbidden in 
the rulebook as you pointed out. Last year, we noticed this issue about 
some teams TDP and we sent them a message to inform them that use of 
compass would not be allowed on site.

This year, we will enforce that team mentioning use of a compass in TDP 
have to correct the TDP in order to be qualified, to avoid any possible 

While answering to this e-mail, I must also mention that there are 
currently discussions inside the TC regarding constraints on sensors. 
Therefore, there will probably be updates in the next few months 
regarding the regulations on sensors. If you want to discuss the topic 
further, please open a thread on the league forum: 

Best regards,

Ludovic Hofer

On 22/10/2018 10:14, スプラトマンジョシ wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> My name is Joshua Supratman from Team CIT Brains Japan.
> We would like to ask some questions regarding the use of compass.
> In the rule book Ch4, Players in the SENSORS section it says that
> "Measurements from earth magnetic field sensors may not be used".
> However, teams such as ICHIRO TEAM and BARELANG-FC wrote in
> their TDP that they used compass in their robot.
> We were wondering if compass is not considered an earth magnetic
> field sensors or if so, is there a some sort of condition for using compass?
> Taking you for taking time to read this mail and we apologize for any
> inconvenience.
> Sincerely,
> Joshua Supratman

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