[robocup-humanoid] CfP Humanoid French Open April 18-20 in Brest, France

Reinhard Gerndt r.gerndt at ostfalia.de
Tue Feb 20 06:08:40 EST 2018

Dear All,

we invite you for the Humanoid RoboCup French Open^2 2018, starting April 18th (Wednesday), ending 20th (Friday) in Brest, France. We invite teams and individuals with 
- RoboCup Humanoid robots,
- RoboCup Humanoid SPL robots,
- Free style humanoid robots, capable of bipedal locomotion, driving a ball and basic perception, at least in a color-coded environment.
Participation with a single humanoid robot is possible. In the ‚free style section‘ we play games with highly simplified rules and setup, suitable for almost any kind of humanoid robot (please see attachment for a draft).  

The schedule foresees three days of joint training, public games and a social program (please see attached tentative schedule).

The venue is the 'Salon Richelieu' at the town hall of Brest (Marie de Brest, 2 Rue Frezier, 29200 Brest, France).
You can reach Brest by plane (www.brest.aeroport.bzh/accueil <http://www.brest.aeroport.bzh/accueil>), by train or bus (www.sncf.com/en/passengers <http://www.sncf.com/en/passengers>), or by car.
The university of Brest offers special conditions for accommodation at 55 Euros per night respectively 225.50 per week (cmibrest.u-bretagneloire.fr/fr/actualit%C3%A9s/d%C3%A9couvrez-la-r%C3%A9sidence-nelson-mandela <http://cmibrest.u-bretagneloire.fr/fr/actualit%C3%A9s/d%C3%A9couvrez-la-r%C3%A9sidence-nelson-mandela>).

You will find more information on Brest here: www.brest.fr/brest-fr-accueil-3.html <http://www.brest.fr/brest-fr-accueil-3.html>. Brest is famous for its sea food and scenic sea side.

Please confirm your participation by replying to this email until March 5th. Please also provide a preliminary list of team members and a short information on the robot(s) you intend to bring.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

See you in Brest.

The Organizing Committee

Dominique Duhaut, Pierre de Loor, Cedric Buche, Reinhard Gerndt

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