[robocup-humanoid] GameController in Hefei

Daniel Seifert dseifert at fumanoids.de
Fri Jun 12 10:57:54 EDT 2015

Dear teams,

for the GameController for RoboCup 2015 in Hefei, it is planned to use
the same software version as last year (unless somebody points out
some required bug fixes).

Binary: http://www.robocuphumanoid.org/wp-content/uploads/GameController-HL-Brazil-20140718.zip
Source: https://github.com/fumanoids/gamecontroller

We will prepare a "2015 edition" with the team logos. Teams who do not
yet have their logos included (see the hl_ directories in
can send me an appropriate logo (compare the existing ones) by email
by end of June for inclusion.

Best regards


dseifert at fumanoids.de
Phone +49 30 838 75-117 (Office), -125 (Lab)

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Informatik
AG Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
Arnimallee 7
14195 Berlin

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