[robocup-humanoid] GameController 2014 available for download

Daniel Seifert dseifert at fumanoids.de
Mon Mar 31 01:34:37 EDT 2014

Correction: the URL should be


On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Daniel Seifert <dseifert at fumanoids.de> wrote:
> Dear teams,
> an updated "German Open" edition of the Game Controller is now
> available at http://www.tzi.de/humanoid/bin/internal/view/Website/Downloads
> - this is the version that will be used in the German Open next week.
> For changes, please refer to the commit log at
> https://github.com/fumanoids/GameController/tree/HL (in the HL
> branch!).
> Daniel Seifert
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Daniel Seifert <dseifert at fumanoids.de> wrote:
>> Dear Humanoid League teams,
>> in 2012, team B-Human presented a new GameController in the SPL's Open
>> Challenge. This subsequently became the official game controller of
>> the Standard Platform League. The new version features a significantly
>> enhanced user interface, which should make it easier to use during
>> competitions.
>> In 2014, the Humanoid League will switch to the new version as well.
>> As due to rule changes in the SPL the gamecontroller message format
>> has changed, we are using a forked version with a compatibility layer
>> that speaks and understands both the new and the old format. This
>> means that as long as you filter on the version number of incoming
>> gamecontroller packets, your existing code should continue to run
>> without a change. However, note that the goal color is now always set
>> to yellow.
>> A binary version of the GameController can be downloaded at the
>> "Downloads" section at http://www.tzi.de/humanoid. The source code can
>> be found at http://www.github.com/fumanoids/GameController (in the HL
>> branch!).
>> Thanks to team B-Human for their work in maintaining and improving
>> this important tool.
>> Daniel Seifert
>> --
>> dseifert at fumanoids.de
>> Phone +49 30 838 75-117 (Office), -125 (Lab)
>> Freie Universität Berlin
>> Institut für Informatik
>> AG Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
>> Arnimallee 7
>> 14195 Berlin
>> Germany
> --
> dseifert at fumanoids.de
> Phone +49 30 838 75-117 (Office), -125 (Lab)
> Freie Universität Berlin
> Institut für Informatik
> AG Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
> Arnimallee 7
> 14195 Berlin
> Germany

dseifert at fumanoids.de
Phone +49 30 838 75-117 (Office), -125 (Lab)

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Informatik
AG Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
Arnimallee 7
14195 Berlin

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