[robocup-humanoid] Game Controller & Goals color

Alejandro Justo Malo Tamayo badalex2 at mac.com
Mon Apr 16 12:56:47 EDT 2012

Hi TC, 
1) Can you explain the use of the dropInTeam and dropInTime variables of the RoboCupGameControlData structure ?

2) Regarding the goals color,  can you explain: 1.2 Goals  "One of the goals has a colored yellow frame. The other goal frame is colored blue"  and at the end of the same paragraph "The goal posts and crossbars are white and cylindrical and have a diameter of 10cm (see fig 2.0)"  But figure 1 colors the lines on the ground inside the  goal,  and  figure 2  colors also the lines inside the goal (bottom image) and the the frames(?) of the goals yellow (upper couple of images) 
Best regards, 
Alejandro Malo Tamayo 
<badalex2 at mac.com>
Cinvestav IPN

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