[robocup-humanoid] Technical Challenges

Alejandro J. Malo Tamayo badalex2 at me.com
Mon Feb 27 23:15:18 EST 2012

Sorry for asking.
Regarding how the distance is measured in challenge A
"It is measured on the line connecting the robot position at the throw-in and the final position of the ball." (that seems clear  enough), but then you throw a twisted ball  "The distance is taken from the intersection of this line (what line?) with the center of the touch line" (Do they cross?)

Regarding the ball placement in the Obstacle Avoidance and Dribbling Challenge  "The ball is randomly chosen and is placed at the center of the penalty area line" The last time I checked there was no penalty area, only goal area.
Regarding the number of kicks "A minimum of 10 touches/kicks with a ball movement... is required... before the ball is moved over the goal area." But then in the Intermediate Scoring section you award 5 points for "Robot in the penalty area (goal area?) more than 7 touches/kicks. No extra point for the 10kicks?

Best regards
Alejandro Malo

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