[robocup-humanoid] Regarding 4.5 Communication and Control

Daniel Seifert dseifert at fumanoids.de
Mon Jan 23 14:30:54 EST 2012


On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 01:05, Alejandro J. Malo Tamayo
<badalex at prodigy.net.mx> wrote:
> Regarding the Communication capabilities of the robots 4.5.2 states wireless network WLAN and a maximum bandwidth of 1MBaud.  4.5.3 says that UDP must be used, as far as I know udp broadcasting is limited to ipv4. Since there are around several types of wireless networks,  Could you be more specific?

I suspect we used a b/g router the last years, but I am not sure.
Somebody from last year's TC or OC may have to correct me.

> Also, most of these networks are rated in Mbs, so it does not make sense to use Baud (words/sec? bytes/sec? Octet/sec?).

This presumably is meant as bits/second, which of course is not the
same as baud.

> How do you plan to enforce or supervise that the broadband is respected?

As in general, we trust that teams play fair. Apart from that, there
is sufficient free software available to check traffic consumption in
a network that the TC but also the teams themselves can use. If a team
is exceeding their alloted bandwidth and negatively influencing the
competing team, I guess this may be grounds for disqualification. But
they would also conflict with the game controller traffic and thus be
at a disadvantage themselves. Overall, considering the WiFi quality I
would advise to not use anywhere near the full bandwidth alloted.

Apropos game controller and traffic, it would be very advisable for
all teams using the GameController (which in itself is advisable!) to
use the RoboCupGameControlReturnData packet as this allows the
GameController to see which robots are playing. Particularly all
robots going "offline" may be an indication of network issues which
would have helped diagnosis in some games in Istanbul when the
(faulty?) router needed a reboot.

Best regards


dseifert at fumanoids.de
Phone +49 30 838 75-117 (Office), -125 (Lab)

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Informatik
AG Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
Arnimallee 7
14195 Berlin

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