[robocup-humanoid] Short write-up of RoboCup 2010

Jacky Baltes jacky at cs.umanitoba.ca
Sat Sep 11 16:44:37 EDT 2010


as organizing chair of RoboCup 2010, I was asked to write up some thoughts
on the humanoid league of RoboCup 2010, which I attached to this message.

I had to leave out a lot of stuff, since it was limited to 1000 words.

Comments are welcome,
Prof. Jacky Baltes, EITC E2-402 Department of Computer Science, University
of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
VoIP: +1 (310) 961-2209, Fax: +1 (204) 474-7609
Email: jacky (AT) cs.umanitoba.ca
Skype: jacky.baltes Gizmo: jacky_baltes
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