[robocup-humanoid] Referee Box and rule suggestions (update)

Marcell Missura missura at ais.uni-bonn.de
Tue Mar 23 11:32:54 EDT 2010

Hello again!

Having thought about the substitution problem some more I came to the  
conclusion that no change needs to be made to the referee box at all.  
It only needs to be started supporting enough players, e.g. 5 per team  
for a KidSize game. There is no need to mark players as active or  
inactive, because robots not in the game can easily be restrained so  
that they don't act on packets received from the referee box.  
Unfortunately in the current version the -numplayers command line  
argument is ignored and only a hard coded number of players appears to  
be used.

Marcell Missura

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