[mlpack] GSoC - Introduction and Area of Interest.

Tejas Nikumbh tejasnikumbh at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 15:20:17 EST 2014

Hi MLpack,

  I am Tejas Nikumbh,  a Fourth year Undergraduate student at IIT Bombay.
I've done courses in *Linear Algebra, Applied Linear Algebra, Data
Structures, Advanced Computing, Machine Learning* and have a good amount of
programming experience. I have good project experience in simulating and
implementing *Algorithms* as well as *Data Structures. *Some relevant
experience involves areas like the* KD-Tree*, a *Fully Connected Neural
Network(* This was a part of a Research Project and I scored a perfect 10
on it) and other Data Structure implementations(template based.).

   I'm pretty familiar with Github now and can push,pull, merge, fork as
well as submit PRs. I hope that's enough.Here is a link to some of my
template based implementations of Datastructures (check out the directory
that this link points to).
All of my code is not on github yet; I'm in the process of revamping my git
to make it presentable.

   I was particularly excited by the Trees Data Structure implementation
project but noticed that it had a difficulty level score of 3/10. Does this
mean that it is low on mlpack's priority list? I would love to research on
the project and work on it through summers therefore please let me know if
it is something that MLpack would consider including in its GSoC projects
list. Also, any other feedback from the mentors as to how to go about
working, preparing etc. is really appreciated.


Tejas Nikumbh,
Fourth Year Undergraduate,
Electrical Engineering Department,
IIT Bombay.
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