Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
4D-Cities | 4D Cities project (Frank Dellaert) |
6265-all | [no description available] |
aaphdcs | [no description available] |
acm-progteam | GT Programming Team |
Act-rec | [no description available] |
act-rec-fac | [no description available] |
AEL | The Augmented Environment Group mailing list |
AHRI | Aware Home Research Initiative... for anyone and everyone relating to the Aware Home |
AHRI-fac | Aware Home Faculty mailing list |
AHRI-schedule | Scheduling info |
AHRI-sponsors | [no description available] |
AHRI-ugrad | [no description available] |
ai-creativity | AI and Creativity Reading Group |
Alt-CSed | Alternative approaches to CS Education |
Alums | [no description available] |
Ar-cve | [no description available] |
Ar-secondlife | Discussion among the SecondLife AR group |
Arc-colloq | Announcements of upcoming ARC Colloquium and Events |
Arc-faculty | [no description available] |
arc-fellowship | ARC Student Fellowship Applications |
Arch-whisky | Computer Architecture Seminar (whisky is stronger than beer)p |
Arktos | [no description available] |
arl-development | [no description available] |
Askjill | [no description available] |
Benchmarking | For faculty and staff with high interest in standard benchmark set acquisition and maintenance |
Bigdata | [no description available] |
biorobo | On the synergy of biology and robotics. |
biotracking | This is the biotracking list. |
biotracking-ants | [no description available] |
biotracking-bees | Underststandin the honey bee waggle dance. |
biotracking-laser | [no description available] |
biotracking-locusts | [no description available] |
Bobick-lab | Aaron Bobick's lab members |
Botnet-research | [no description available] |
C21u | C21U |
c2h6o | Happy Hour |
C4c-fac | Computing for Change |
Captain-crnch | CRNCH Directors Email List |
CatLab | Culture and Technology Lab |
cc-proposals | Students going through proposal |
Ccdean | [no description available] |
ccg | Contextual Computing Group |
Cellbuzz-admin | Cellbuzz Cluster Admins |
Cercs-admin | [no description available] |
Cercs-all | [no description available] |
CERCS-enterprise-admin | CERCS Enterprise Computing Administrators |
CERCS-enterprise-lab | CERCS Enterprise Computing |
Cercs-exec | [no description available] |
Cercs-grad | [no description available] |
Cercs-info | [no description available] |
Cercs-seminar | [no description available] |
Cercs-technical | [no description available] |
CercsCloud | CERCS Cloud Discussion |
change | Discussion of changes to CoC structures and processes |
Claws-group | [no description available] |
Cm-ambassadors | [no description available] |
CM-club | [no description available] |
CM-curriculum-committee | [no description available] |
CM-undergrads | [no description available] |
coc-comparch-faculty | Comparch Faculty in the CoC |
Coc-dean-team | [no description available] |
Coc-faculty-recruiting-updates | [no description available] |
Cocadvisoryboard | CoC AB |
Cocfinance | [no description available] |
Cocrtn | [no description available] |
Cocstudentorgs | [no description available] |
Coctechintv | CoC Tech Interviews |
Cogrob | Cognitive Robotics lab |
Comm-faculty | Faculty in the Networking Group of the School of Computer Science |
Comm-students | [no description available] |
Communications | GT Computing Communications |
Comparch-announce | All things computer architecture (microprocessor design, bus issues, etc.) |
Comparch-faculty | Computer Architecture Faculty |
Comparch-students | Computer Architecture Students |
Computingfacultyslush | [no description available] |
Contingency-planning | [no description available] |
core-is-faculty | [no description available] |
Cperl | Computational Perception Laboratory |
CPL-alum | CPL Alumni |
CPL-fac | [no description available] |
CPL-rs | [no description available] |
CPL-undergrads | Computational Perception Students |
Cq | [no description available] |
Criminals | [no description available] |
Crnch-faculty | CRNCH Center Faculty List |
Crnch-students | Crnch Students Mailman List |
Cryptography | [no description available] |
Cs-admin | [no description available] |
Cs-frc | [no description available] |
Cs-researchfaculty | [no description available] |
CS-RPTC | [no description available] |
Cs-search | CS Chair Search Committee |
Cs-staff | [no description available] |
Cs1050b | [no description available] |
Cs2110ta | TA list for CS 2110 |
CS2340-TA | [no description available] |
Cs3600_spring07 | [no description available] |
Cs4237 | [no description available] |
Cs4440_fall07 | [no description available] |
Cs4elementary | [no description available] |
Cs4high | [no description available] |
Cs4middle | [no description available] |
Cs6035ta | [no description available] |
Cs6250-info | [no description available] |
Cs6255 | [no description available] |
Cs6260 | CS6260-Applied Cryptography mailing list |
Cs6265 | Mailing list for CS6265 |
Cs6740a | [no description available] |
cs7001 | [no description available] |
CS7270a | CS 7270 |
Cs7470 | Ubicomp class fall 2004 mailing list |
Cse-adjunct | CSE Adjunct Appointments |
Cse-advisor | [no description available] |
CSE-collabs | CSE Collaborators (Other students, staff, and visitors sitting in CSE space) |
CSE-deans | CSE deans |
CSE-fac | CSE Faculty List |
Cse-git-dendro | Commit notifications for Dendro repo |
Cse-git-fmm_prop | Commit notifications for fmm_prop repo |
Cse-git-octreeregistration | Commit notifications for OctreeRegistration repo |
Cse-git-tuananh | Commit notifications for tuananh repo |
Cse-git-ves3dmat | Commit notifications for Ves3DMat repo |
Cse-ms | All MS students in the CSE degree program (all home units) |
Cse-ms-coc | MS CSE students homed in the School of CSE |
Cse-peer-advisor | CSE Peer Advisors |
Cse-phd | All PhD students in the CSE degree program (all home units) |
CSE-progfac | CSE Program Faculty (adjuncts, affiliates, and CSE Program Faculty) |
CSE-recruiting | Questions from faculty candidate applicants in GT/CSE. |
CSE-resfac | CSE Research Scientists and Postdocs |
CSE-seminar | CSE Seminar Announcements |
CSE-SPP | CSE Strategic Partnership Program |
CSE-staff | CSE Staff List |
Cse6010ta | Contact TAs for CSE 6010 |
CSEcomm | CSE Communication |
Csed | [no description available] |
Csfaculty | [no description available] |
CSL | Collaborative Software Lab |
Csrpt | [no description available] |
Cybersecurity-faculty | News and updates from the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy |
Cybersecurity-grad-students | News and updates from the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy |
DART-Announce | A moderated list for announcements about the DART system |
DART-Users | A discussion list for users of the DART system |
Datacenter-247 | CCB 247 Data Center Critical Event Notification |
Datacenter-hpcf | CCB HPCF Data Center Critical Event Notification |
DC-Environmentals | Data Center environmental email alerts |
Dci-all | SCI faculty and staff |
Dci-faculty | School of Computing Instruction |
DEI | [no description available] |
Dfo | [no description available] |
dgx1-admin | Primary admins for DGX-1 server |
Dil-adaptation | Design Intelligence Lab - Adaptation |
Dil-analysis | Design Intelligence Lab - Analysis |
Dil-design | Design Intelligence Lab - Design |
Dil-group | Design Intelligence Lab |
Dil-middle | Design Intelligence Lab - Middle |
Dil-model | Design Intelligence Lab - Model |
Dil-sbf | Design Intelligence Lab - SBF |
Dilab | [no description available] |
dilab-aws | dilab-aws mailing list |
Disl | [no description available] |
Dtn-gt | [no description available] |
Ecc | [no description available] |
ECL | Private email list for Everyday Computing Lab |
Eclalum | ECL Alumni |
Ecomp | Enterprise Computing |
Elc-g | [no description available] |
Elc-u | [no description available] |
embedded-lab | KACB embedded lab mailing list |
emPrize | DILab AI XPrize Initiative |
Epideep | [no description available] |
Epideep-hosp | Epideep-hosp mailing list |
epl | Embedded Pervasive Lab |
epl-alumni | [no description available] |
epl-current | Embedded Pervasive Lab |
Eventsvcs | Events Services Committe |
Fastlab | Prof. Alexander Gray's research group. |
FCE-alumni | [no description available] |
FCE-fac | [no description available] |
FCE-other | [no description available] |
fdk-info | Information regarding the FDK software package. |
Fellowships-crnch | [no description available] |
Firewall-request | TSO Firewall Exemption Request List |
Flamel | [no description available] |
fom | [no description available] |
Fomstudents | [no description available] |
Foobarbar | [no description available] |
Forza-admin-help | [no description available] |
Forza-hw | [no description available] |
Forza-leads | [no description available] |
Forza-sw | [no description available] |
frankcvs | [no description available] |
Gacs-teachers-ap | [no description available] |
Gacs-teachers-psm | [no description available] |
GCC | [no description available] |
Geom | [no description available] |
Geom-friends | [no description available] |
Golems | PhD students in the Humanoid Robotics Lab |
Gpgpu | [no description available] |
Grad-alumni-scs | [no description available] |
Grad-students | [no description available] |
Grip-team | [no description available] |
Gsc-travel | [no description available] |
Gtinfosec-forensics | [no description available] |
Gtinfosec-staff | [no description available] |
Gtisc-meeting | [no description available] |
Gtplse | Communication for PLSE Group |
Habanero | Vivek Sarkar's Research Group |
HCC-phd-fac | HCC PhD program faculty |
hci-fac | HCI Faculty mailing list |
Hclib | [no description available] |
hpcta_sp23 | [no description available] |
Hubo-ach | [no description available] |
Humancapitalteamfaculty | [no description available] |
Humancapitalteamstaff | [no description available] |
Humanoids | Mike Stilman's Research Group |
humor | [no description available] |
Ic-Advance | ic-advance mailman list for Interactive Computing |
IC-Assoc | Associate Professors in the School of Interactive Computing |
IC-Asst | Assistant Professors in the School of Interactive Computing |
Ic-core-primary | [no description available] |
IC-fac | CoC faculty in the School of Interactive Computing |
Ic-fac-coda | [no description available] |
Ic-fac-core | [no description available] |
Ic-fac-discuss | School of Interactive Computing , Faculty Discussion List |
IC-Full | Full Professors in the School of Interactive Computinng |
Ic-instructors | [no description available] |
ic-phd-students | Email list for Ph.D. students in the School of Interactive Computing |
Ic-rs | [no description available] |
IC-staff | CoC Staff in the School of Interactive Computing |
Ic-staff2 | [no description available] |
Ic-vis | [no description available] |
Ic-vis-alum | [no description available] |
Ice.parents | [no description available] |
Ice.programs | [no description available] |
Idm | GTISC Identity Management research group |
Imcat-contact | [no description available] |
Inc | Intelligent Narrative Computing lab |
Inetintel-data-admin | [no description available] |
Intro-infosec-staff | [no description available] |
Ion | Discussion and announcements regarding the Ion cluster |
ipre-announce | Institute for Personal Robots in Education Announcements |
ipre-associates | People who are helping advance the IPRE mission. |
ipre-board | List for board of advisors of the Institute for Personal Robots in Education |
ipre-meta | [no description available] |
irp | Introduction to Perception and Robotics |
IS-seminar-other | [no description available] |
Isrg | Intelligence Systems Reading Group |
Its-1321 | Intelligent Tutoring System discussion |
ixp | Projects using Intel IXA based devices (IXP1200, IXP2400, ...) |
Jinx-admin | A JINX Cluster System Administration Discussion List |
Kacb-fac | [no description available] |
Kacb-staff | [no description available] |
Kacb-students | [no description available] |
kacb2201 | The Lab at Klaus Rm 2201 |
Klokkos | [no description available] |
Klokkos-gt | [no description available] |
Krang | Krang Humanoid Robot Group Discussion |
lab-managers | CoC Research Lab Managers |
Lab243 | [no description available] |
Lists-requests | Requests for new mailing lists |
localwinadmin | [no description available] |
Lst | Learning Sciences & Technology |
Luolab | [no description available] |
Mac-Wizards | [no description available] |
Macosx-users | Discussion of Mac OS X usage in CoC |
Mailman215 | [no description available] |
Mediacomp-dev | Media Computation Developers |
Mediacomp-teach | [no description available] |
Micsexec | [no description available] |
MIDAS-group | Mobile Infrastructure Devices Applications and Services |
Minorities | Minorities @ the College of Computing (M@CC) |
Ml-fac | Machine Learning Faculty at Georgia Tech |
ml-fac-cc | If I have to tell you, you don't need to know |
Ml-students | ML Students |
ml4trading | [no description available] |
ml4trading-dev | Machine Learning for Trading Software Development |
mlpack-git | mlpack git commit list |
Mob-manip-07 | 4632B/8803 Course 2007 on Mobile Manipulation |
Mocap | [no description available] |
Mrlab | Occupants of the Mixed Reality Lab |
Ms-infs-announce | [no description available] |
MS-Women | MS Women@CC |
Mshci-faculty | MSHCI Faculty Listserv |
Mshci-students | [no description available] |
Multicore-center-faculty | NSF I/UCRC Multicore Center Faculty |
mware-dev | [no description available] |
Nano | Nanotechnology list |
NArSyL | [no description available] |
New-phds | [no description available] |
Nlpcss-doc-consortium | [no description available] |
Numbers | Financial Services mailing list |
Oakland | For folks working on mobile experiences in Oakland Cemetery |
Offboarding | [no description available] |
Omscs-announce | [no description available] |
OMSCS-Digest | [no description available] |
Omscs-official | [no description available] |
Onboarding | [no description available] |
Oodeanadminteam | [no description available] |
Ou | Dean's Operational Update Group |
Pastachef | Contact for the pasta compute cluster |
pfunk | Charles Isbell's Research Group |
Phd-coc-official | [no description available] |
Phd-cs-announce | [no description available] |
Phd-women | PhD Women@CC |
Phdjobhunting-seminar | List for the 101 Job Hunting Seminar (CS8001) |
pretenured-faculty | A list for CoC faculty on the way to tenure. |
Projectriseup | [no description available] |
PSO | [no description available] |
PTWG | Paper/Toner Working Group |
Puppet-r10k | [no description available] |
Rac | [no description available] |
racquetball | CoC racquetball enthusiasts |
research-faculty | Mailing list for CoC Research Faculty |
Rhev | [no description available] |
robocomp | This list is used by parties interested in robot competitions. |
Robocop | [no description available] |
Robocup-all | [no description available] |
robocup-coach-l | [no description available] |
robocup-humanoid | The RoboCup Humanoid Leagues |
Robocup-jackets | [no description available] |
robocup-junior | RoboCup Leagues for Middle and High School |
robocup-league-chairs | For the Organizing Committees of RoboCup 2007 |
robocup-msrs | Participants in the RoboCup MSRS Challenge |
robocup-nao | RoboCup Nao Standard Robot League |
robocup-organizers | Organizers of RoboCup US Events |
Robocup-pickup | [no description available] |
robocup-rescue | RoboCup Rescue Robot League |
robocup-rescue-r | RoboCupRescue Real Robot League |
robocup-rescue-s | RoboCup Rescue Simulation |
robocup-rescue-v | RoboCup Rescue Simulation -- Virtual Robots Competition |
robocup-sim | RoboCup Simulation Leagues |
robocup-small | The RoboCup small-size league email list. |
robocup-trustee-all | [no description available] |
robocup-updates | Important informtion about RoboCup 2007 Atlanta |
robocup-us | Information regarding RoboCup activities in the US. |
robocup-web | [no description available] |
Robot | Humanoid Robot Mail |
robot-rescue | [no description available] |
Robotics-core | Robotics Core |
Robowomen | DEFUNCT |
Routing-sec-25 | Routing Sec 2025 |
Rptc-icd | [no description available] |
SBF | [no description available] |
SciML-UQ | SciML-UQ |
Scp | [no description available] |
Scp-chair-search-committee | [no description available] |
scp-fac-announce | [no description available] |
Scp-faculty-advisory-committee | [no description available] |
scp-ms-announce | [no description available] |
scp-phd-announce | [no description available] |
Scp-phd-networking | [no description available] |
Scp-phd-official | [no description available] |
Scp-recruiting | [no description available] |
scp-security-seminar | SCP Security Seminar mailing list |
Scse-ms | All MS students homed in the School of CSE (all degree programs, e.g., MSCSE, MSA, MSUA) |
Scse-phd | All PhD students homed in the School of CSE (all degree programs) |
Se | [no description available] |
Security-reading-group | Security Reading Group at GTISC |
Security-seminar | [no description available] |
Si-machines | Socially Intelligent Machines |
Sigcomm03-pc | SIGCOMM 2003 Program Committee |
Sistersriseup | [no description available] |
Social-computing | Social Computing |
Social-computing-fac | [no description available] |
Soda2011 | SODA 2011 Conference |
Ssecenter | [no description available] |
sslab | [no description available] |
Sslab-all | communications for all members of SS lab |
Sslab-sec | [no description available] |
sslab-sys | [no description available] |
Staffaffairs | Staff Affairs Mailing list |
star-cfp | [no description available] |
Sting-announce | [no description available] |
sting-core | Sting Racing core personnel |
Sting-developers | [no description available] |
Supervisors | RT#247123 |
Syllabi | [no description available] |
synlab-info | [no description available] |
Systems | Systems research global list |
Systems-interact | [no description available] |
Systems-security-group | Systems Security Research Group |
Tail | [no description available] |
Talent | [no description available] |
tangibleplay | [no description available] |
TDAlab | TDAlab mailing list |
Teachteachers | [no description available] |
Teammum | [no description available] |
techfee | list for comments regarding TechFee proposals |
tei08-chairs | [no description available] |
tei08-pc | [no description available] |
theory-students | Theory Lab Students |
Thesisaward | CoC Awards Committee |
TINKER | TINKER (Tom Conte's) research group |
TINKER-alumni | TINKER Alumni list |
TSO-advise | TSO Faculty Advisory Committee |
Tso-changelog | [no description available] |
Tso-instruction | [no description available] |
TSO-research | TSO Research Support Group |
Tso-vendor-support | [no description available] |
Tsrb-building | [no description available] |
ttrpg | TViews Table RPG project list |
tui3d | [no description available] |
Ubicomp-group | UBICOMP research group and collaborators |
UCC | The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee |
Us-robotics | Mailing listed for American Robotics Network |
Usability-lab | [no description available] |
uWomen | Georgia Tech Women @ College of Computing |
Vrp | [no description available] |
Wall-lab | Wall-Lab Group email list |
Webgames | Andrea & Charles' project with web games for interactive learning experiments. |
Wellnesstechlab | [no description available] |
Women-fac | [no description available] |
Women-grad | [no description available] |
Women-phd | [no description available] |
Women-staff | [no description available] |
wpl | Work2Play Lab mailing list |
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