Kathy Pham gtg057s at mail.gatech.edu
Thu Mar 10 14:08:27 EST 2005

Hey Ladies,
So we talked about a Date Auction today during the meeting... and we're 
pretty serious about it. Ask Anne. She's super pumped! :) We have some 
ideas and we'll definitely discuss the auction at one of our future 
meetings. Anne suggests we do it sometime near the end of April, before 
Dead Week. We'll have time after CoCaesar's to really advertise and 
prepare. So keep in mind any ideas for the actual date. We'll all go on 
a date together...because girl + one CS boy = @*^#@*#^*@&^#*@&^#&@*^ 
(yeah, its that bad). So think of an event or place that you think 
everyone will enjoy. We're still defintely focused on CoCaesar's right 
now. Just keep the date auction in the back of your mind somewhere. :)


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