[robocup-worldwide] [meetings] Final CFP: RoboCup Symposium 2021

Joydeep Biswas joydeepb at cs.utexas.edu
Wed Apr 7 14:43:40 EDT 2021

RoboCup International Symposium 2021

The 24th RoboCup International Symposium will be held in conjunction with
RoboCup 2021 in a purely online setting, from 22 June to 28 June 2021. We
call for submissions of papers reporting innovative, original research with
relevance to areas of robotics and artificial intelligence as listed below.
Within the described scope of topics we also encourage submissions of
high-quality overview articles, papers describing real-world research, and
papers reporting theoretical results. Researchers are invited to submit
their work independently of whether they participate in the RoboCup
competitions or have a RoboCup team. In addition to the main track with
regular research papers there will be a special track focused on systems,
data, and benchmarks that will feature papers describing novel, open-source
hardware and software systems, as well as datasets and benchmarks relevant
to the community.


Submission of full papers: 15 April 2021

Notification to authors: 29 May 2021

Submission of camera-ready copies: 8 June 2021

RoboCup 2021: 22-28 June 2021


All papers will be peer-reviewed, and evaluated by members of the senior
program committee. The proceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium
will be published and archived within the Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI) series by Springer-Verlag after the conference.
Papers should be formatted following the LNAI author guidelines (
and must be electronically submitted through the EasyChair electronic
submission system (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=rcs2021).

Submissions are limited to 12 pages including references.

Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Robot Hardware and Software

- mobile robotics

- humanoid robotics

- sensors and actuators

- embedded and mobile devices

- robot construction and new materials

- robot system integration

- robot software architectures

- robot programming environments and languages

- real-time and concurrent programming

- robot simulators

* Perception and Action

- 3D perception

- distributed sensor integration

- sensor noise filtering

- real-time image processing and pattern recognition

- motion and sensor models

- sensory-motor control

- robot kinematics and dynamics

- high-dimensional motion control

* Robot Cognition and Learning

- world modelling and knowledge representation

- learning from demonstration and imitation

- localisation, navigation, and mapping

- planning and reasoning

- decision making under uncertainty

- neural systems and deep learning

- complex motor skill acquisition

- reinforcement learning and optimisation

- motion and sensor model learning

* Human-Robot Interaction

- robot social intelligence

- fluency of interaction

- speech synthesis and natural language generation

- natural language recognition

- explainable robot behaviours

- emotion recognition and reaction

- understanding human intent and behaviour

- safety, security and dependability

- enabling humans to predict robot behaviour

* Multi-Robot Systems

- team coordination methods

- communication protocols

- learning and adaptive systems

- teamwork and heterogeneous agents

- dynamic resource allocation

- adjustable autonomy

* Education and Edutainment

- robotics and artificial intelligence education

- educational robotics

- robot kits and programming tools

- robotic entertainment

* Applications and Benchmarking

- search and rescue robots

- robot surveillance

- service and social robots

- robots at home, at work and in public spaces

- robots in the real world

- performance metrics

- human-robot interaction


To encourage open-source release of hardware and software systems, the
RoboCup International Symposium has included a development track in recent
years. This year we expand the scope of this track to include datasets and
benchmarks. We encourage submission of papers describing open-source
hardware and software, tools and frameworks that facilitate development of
robotics hardware and software, datasets that enable new robotic
capabilities, as well as benchmarks that establish reproducible test beds
and performance metrics to advance research. If applicable, contributions
to the special track should include evidence of the released system or
dataset, and highlight past, ongoing, and/or potential impacts on the
RoboCup community. Review of these contributions will be based on technical
merit and  benefits to the RoboCup community and the research topics listed


Rachid Alami, LAAS-CNRS

Joydeep Biswas, University of Texas at Austin

Maya Cakmak, University of Washington

Oliver Obst, Western Sydney University


rcs2021 at easychair.org
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