[robocup-worldwide] Announcing vRoHOW 2020

Maximilian Schmidt maximilian.schmidt at tuhh.de
Wed Sep 2 06:48:41 EDT 2020

Dear fellow RoboCup teams,

We are proud to announce the virtual Robotic Hamburg Open Workshop (vRoHOW) 2020. The event will take place from 4th to 6th of December.
This year's vRoHOW will have the same goals as every year: Exchanging knowledge in workshops and discussions, expanding your horizon in talks, and chatting together with a cold beer or soft drink. Discord will be our venue with multiple rooms and areas prepared. Combined with additional tools and your participation we will bring the virtual RoHOW to life.

Sounds good? Please send us a message as soon as possible (but no later than by the 14th of September 2020) including your team name, a contact person and the approximate number of participants. A rough estimate is sufficient for the next planning steps. There will be no participation fee! A detailed "Call for participation" will follow in the near future.

As we currently are in a creative and early planning stage, we encourage you to send us ideas, feedback or any other vRoHOW related input.

Inspired by the captivating and warm atmosphere of previous RoHOWs, we are looking forward to build this virtual event with you together.

See you soon
Team HULKs
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