[robocup-worldwide] CFP AI-HRI 2020: Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction - deadline extended

Matteo Leonetti M.Leonetti at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Jul 29 13:19:33 EDT 2020

[apologies for multiple posting]


- Deadline Extension: the new submission deadline is August 6, 2020.

- The 2020 AI-HRI symposium will take place virtually; details to follow.

- We have confirmed our invited speakers! Julie Shah, Maartje de Graaf, 
and Bertram F. Malle will give talks at AI-HRI 2020:


AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot 
Interaction: Trust & Explainability in Artificial Intelligence for 
Human-Robot Interaction

website: https://ai-hri.github.io/2020/


- August 6, 2020
- Notification: August 20, 2020
- The symposium will be held on November 13--14, 2020

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) 
Symposium has been a successful venue of discussion and collaboration 
since 2014. During that time, the sub-topics of trust and explainability 
in robotics have been rapidly growing, with major research efforts at 
universities and laboratories across the world.

Trust is generally believed that trust is crucial for adoption of both 
AI and robotics, particularly when transitioning technologies from the 
lab to industrial, social, and consumer applications. Enabling a robot 
to provide explanations is one approach to fostering this trust.

Over the course of the two-day meeting, we will host a collaborative 
forum for discussion of current efforts in trust for AI-HRI, with a 
sub-session focused on the related topic of explainable AI (XAI) for 
HRI. Additionally, the symposium will include other topics related to AI 
for HRI.


- Trust and Explainability in HRI
- Architectures and systems supporting autonomous HRI
- Interactive task learning
- Interactive dialog systems and natural language
- Field studies, experimental, and empirical HRI
- Tools for autonomous HRI
- Robot planning and decision-making
- Ethics in HRI
- AI for social robots
- Fielding and deployment, and experimentation for autonomous robots
- Knowledge representation and reasoning to support HRI and robot tasking

AI-HRI is committed to growing the diversity of our community and is 
actively pursuing ways to make our community more inclusive.  As part of 
this, we are providing a few complimentary registrations for people from 
under-represented groups.  For more information, please see 

For submission instructions and more information, please visit the 
website: https://ai-hri.github.io/2020/

On behalf of the organizing committee,
Matteo Leonetti
Lecturer (Assistant Prof.)
University of Leeds

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