[robocup-worldwide] RoboCup Humanoid Open Soccer Competition (HOSC) Track - 2nd Call for Contributions

Maike Paetzel maike.paetzel at it.uu.se
Tue Jun 2 04:46:24 EDT 2020

* 2nd Call for Contributions *

RoboCup 2020
RoboCup Humanoid Open Soccer Competition (HOSC) Track

Held as part of the Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshop

June 25th to June 28th, 2020 (Online)

Submission System is open:

Deadline for submissions: Friday, 5th of June 2020


The goal of the RoboCup Humanoid Open Soccer Competition (HOSC) is to present an entry competition for young teams interested in humanoid soccer robots. Target groups are RoboCup Junior participants, mature school students and early undergraduate university students. For the competition student groups prepare a single autonomous bipedal robot each to compete in robot soccer matches. The competition shall allow a simplified approach with a lessened learning curve to humanoid soccer robots and experimentation with different humanoid robot designs and technologies. Robot teams consist of field players only. Robots must look for the ball and try to score goals. Robot teams of 2 - 6 players are formed for each game throughout the tournament. Robots must be designed, constructed and programmed by participants.

The Humanoid Open Soccer Competition track at the RoboCup 2020 Virtual Humanoid League workshop includes:

  1.  presentation and discussion of the HOSC rules draft
  2.  presentations on design of simple bipedal soccer robots according to the following

1) Call for papers

Suitable subjects with a focus on bipedal(!) robots are:

    Low-cost designs
    Open designs
    Low-complexity robots
    Robots with few degrees of freedom
    Easy programming
    Development environments

but not limited to.

2.) Submission Details

For each activity, the following general information need to be provided:

* Title
* Name(s) of Presenter(s)
* Contact e-mail
* Country
* Team name (optional if the paper is submitted by a team)
* Abstract

Apart from the contact e-mail which is only for the organizers to get in touch with the ones proposing the activity, all other information from this category will be shared in the official program that is published online.

Note: The section 'hardware, software or knowledge requirements' in the submission form is for other activities proposed for the V-RoHOW and does not need to be filled in for the HOSC Track.

3.) Sharing Files

In addition to the abstract, please use the sharing files option to upload a short paper describing your contributions in more details.

4.) Recording of the Activity

In general, we are determined to reach out to a broader research community and share the knowledge that is created as part of this event openly. We thus propose to upload presentations and lightning talks online over the League's YouTube channel. This is optional! If you are happy sharing your talk, you can agree to do so when proposing the activity. If you would like to not have it recorded, just leave the checkbox blank. Note that there is no disadvantage to not allowing us to record the activity.

5.) Online Submission

The papers should be uploaded online using the form at


Please note that you need to create an account with the submission system before you can propose an activity. Once you logged in with your account, just click on "Create new submission" -> "Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshop (V-RoHOW)" and select 'RoboCup Humanoid Open Soccer Competition (HOSC) Paper'

6.) Deadline

Deadline for proposing an activity: *June 5th, 2020*

Publication of workshop program:  *June 12th, 2020*

Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops: *June 25th to 28th, 2020*

With best regards,
Maike Paetzel, on behalf of the Technical Committee of the RoboCup Humanoid League 2020

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