[robocup-worldwide] Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops - Call for Activities

Maike Paetzel maike.paetzel at it.uu.se
Sat May 16 07:24:32 EDT 2020

* Call for Activities *

RoboCup 2020
Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops (V-RoHOW)

June 25th to June 28th, 2020 (Online)

Submission System now open!


The RoboCup Humanoid League is inviting teams to submit proposals for activities they would be willing to host during the Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops 2020.
For more information about the Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops, see: https://humanoid.robocup.org/virtual-rohow-2020/

1.) Activity Types

1. Lightning Talk (5 min)
Each lightning talk is of five minutes length and will be presented together with other lightning talks during a single session. There will be dedicated time for questions after the entire session, to allow for questions or thoughts to be shared on an individual basis with the presenters.

2. Presentation (30 min / 60 min)
Presentations are a longer input given by one person or one team about a certain topic, either for 20 minutes input + 10 minutes discussion, or for 45 min presentation and 15 minutes discussion.

3. Discussion (30 min / 60 min)
Unlike presentations, discussions are organized as an open space in which everyone can share their input about a predefined topic. Even though they require less preparation from the person or group hosting, the host is expected to give a short input on what the discussion will be about and serve as a moderator during the discussion.

4. Workshop (2 h / 4 h)
Workshops are practical sessions which can either be organized as a tutorial (one person teaching the others a practical skill) or as a joint workspace in which a group is working together on a topic of choice.

5. Other
If you have a great idea for an activity that fits in none of the other categories, you can pick a time and describe the format to us.

2.) Activity Details

For each activity, the following general information need to be provided:
* Title
* Name(s) of Presenter(s)
* Contact e-mail
* Country
* Team name (optional if the activity is organized by a team)
* Abstract
* Hardware, software or knowledge requirements / recommendations

Apart from the contact e-mail which is only for the organizers to get in touch with the ones proposing the activity, all other information from this category will be shared in the official program that is published online. So please provide a good title and abstract so others know what to expect from your activity.

The hardware, software or knowledge requirements are for you to communicate to the audience what you are expecting them to bring to your activity. If this is a workshop about ROS 2, you might require them to have ROS 2 installed on their computers before joining the workshop. If your presentation requires a solid understanding of deep learning in order to follow it, you can add this here as well. Please note that these are not hard requirements, but it gives the audience an idea whether this activity will be interesting for them to follow.

3.) Sharing Files

If you want to distribute some material to workshop participants (slides, code,...), you can use the file upload in the activity submission page. We will re-open the activity submission page later, so you don't need to upload all the material during the proposal of the activity. We will then create a password-protected way to share this material with everyone who is interested in joining the event.

4.) Recording of the Activity

In general, we are determined to reach out to a broader research community and share the knowledge that is created as part of this event openly. We thus propose to upload presentations and lightning talks online over the League's YouTube channel. This is optional! If you are happy sharing your talk, you can agree to do so when proposing the activity. If you would like to not have it recorded, just leave the checkbox blank. Note that there is no disadvantage to not allowing us to record the activity.

5.) Online Submission

The activities should be proposed online using the form at


Please note that you need to create an account with the submission system before you can propose an activity. Once you logged in with your account, just click on "Create new submission" -> "Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshop (V-RoHOW)"

6.) Deadline

Deadline for proposing an activity: *June 5th, 2020*

Publication of workshop program:  *June 12th, 2020*

Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops: *June 25th to 28th, 2020*

With best regards,
Maike Paetzel, on behalf of the Technical Committee of the RoboCup Humanoid League 2020

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