[robocup-worldwide] [Journals] - [Robotics, CiteScore: 1.53] Young Investigator Award 2020 - Announcement

Linda Wang linda.wang at mdpi.com
Tue Mar 31 03:07:32 EDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that Robotics is now inviting nominations for
the 2020 Young Investigator Award. This prize will be given to one young
investigator in recognition of his/her excellence in the field of
robotics. All nominations will be assessed by an evaluation committee
led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Marco Ceccarelli.

The Prize:
–– 1,000 CHF (Swiss Francs);
–– Option to publish one paper free of charge in Robotics after peer
review before the end of 2021;
–– An engraved plaque.

Eligibility and Requirements:
–– Must be below 40 years of age or received their Ph.D. no more than10
years prior to 31 December, 2019;
–– Must have produced ground-breaking research and significant
contributed to the advancement of research field;
–– Candidates must be nominated by their supervisor(s), research
director, or department head.

List of Documents for Nomination
–– Detailed Curriculum Vitae including an updated publication list and a
list of the researcher’s own research grants;
–– Birth certificate or other proof of age;
–– Scanned copy of doctorate certificate;
–– Signed nomination letters from two established senior scientists.

How to Apply?
The nominations and materials must be submitted online through below
link by 30 November, 2020. The winner will be announced by 31 December,


Thank you very much for your attention. Please do not hesitate to
contact us (robotics at mdpi.com) if there is any question.

Best regards,
Linda Wang
Managing Editor

St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel

Tel. +41 61 683 77 34
Fax +41 61 302 89 18

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