[robocup-worldwide] Humanoid Research Demonstration - RoboCup 2020 - Bordeaux

Reinaldo Bianchi rbianchi at fei.edu.br
Wed Feb 12 08:36:19 EST 2020

Last Call for Participation - 5 days until the Deadline

RoboCup 2020
Humanoid Research Demonstration
https://humanoid.robocup.org/ <https://humanoid.robocup.org/>
June 23rd to June 29th, 2020 (Bordeaux, France)
https://2020.robocup.org/ <https://2020.robocup.org/>


The RoboCup Humanoid League invite the research community to apply for showcasing the latest research and development results that are relevant for humanoid robots, during the international RoboCup World Championship and Symposium in Bordeaux, France. 

The RoboCup is one of the world's premier robotics contest, in which robots must operate autonomously, with no human interference, competing in domains ranging from soccer to rescue, and including domestic and industrial service. 

Researchers are invited to submit their demonstrations independently of whether they participate in the RoboCup competitions, symposium or have a RoboCup team. Contributions will be evaluated for scientific and technical excellence. 

1. Topics of Interest

We welcome demonstrations containing new ideas, concepts, practical studies, and experiment demonstrations relevant to the field of Humanoid Robotics. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-	Components, joints and mechanics;
-	Soft robotics;
-	Anthropomorphic vs. non-anthropomorphic;
-	Walking, running, jumping and other humanoid locomotion;
-	Adaptability and scalability;
-	Sensors and perception;
-	Control and stability;
-	Dealing with falling;
-	Reflexes and learning;
-	Energy supply and efficiency;
-	Robot design and robotic kits;
-	Virtual robots and simulation;
-	Benchmarking;
-	Bipedal robots applied to real problems;
-	Education with and for humanoid robots.

2. Humanoid Research Demonstration

The Humanoid League will provide a humanoid league soccer playing field for the demonstration. However, the members of the Technical Committee of the Humanoid League understand that for some demonstrations this setup may not be ideal and will try and accommodate all teams. If a team requires other arrangements for the demonstration, it must submit a request to the Technical Committee at least 3 months before the competition to allow sufficient time for alternative arrangements.

The proposal for demonstration must include: 

2.1. Demonstration Data
-	Demonstration title;
-	URL of the group home page;
-	Name of the contact person;
-	E-mail address of the contact person;
-	Postal address of the contact person.

2.2. Demonstration Video
The first part of the material is a video of your robot demonstrating its skills.

The video must be supplied as a link to it via Youtube. The maximum duration of the video is 3 minutes. The proponent is responsible to ensure that the video adheres to YouTube’s TOS (especially in regards to music copyright) to prevent the video from being blocked for the reviewers. 

 2.3. Hardware Specification
If the demonstration includes any type of hardware to be showcased, a one-page specification (PDF) for each different type of humanoid type robot/mechanism used that includes the following:

- Robot/mechanism picture;
- Robot/mechanism name;
- Size of the humanoid type robot/mechanism;
- Weight of the robot/mechanism;
- Robots/mechanisms joint specification;
- Type of sensors used (incl. type of camera(s));
- Computing unit(s);
- Other specifications

2.4.  Short paper 

A short paper describing the robot, its task and its required environment, limited to four (4) pages including text, references, tables, and figures.
The short paper must follow the LNCS format which can be downloaded from http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 <http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0>. 

Please pay special attention to the “Author guidelines” that you’ll be able to find there.

3. Plagiarism
Plagiarism, loosely the unattributed use of other peoples’ words, code, and ideas is not tolerated in the RoboCup community. See plagiarism_FAQ.html for a more detailed description.

4. Online Submission
The submission system is now open and all qualification material must be submitted online at http://submission.robocuphumanoid.org/ <http://submission.robocuphumanoid.org/>.
5. Deadline

Deadline for submission: February 17th, 2020.
Notification of acceptance: March 2nd, 2020.

6. Publication
Please note that after the announcement of the qualified demonstrations the qualification material will be made publicly available. Researchers applying for participation therefore grant the right of publication of their qualification material to the humanoid league.

7. Visa Process
If you are a citizen of a country that needs a Visa for traveling to France, please start the Visa process as soon as you receive your notification of qualification. If you are not sure if your eligible for a Visa-exempt, please consult the official website of the French government for information.

For additional information about the Humanoid Demonstration please contact the RoboCup Humanoid League Technical Committee at rc-hl-tc at lists.robocup.org <mailto:rc-hl-tc at lists.robocup.org>.

With best regards,
The Technical Committee of the RoboCup Humanoid League 2020
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