[robocup-worldwide] Software Development Methodologies for RoboCup Survey

Sammy Pfeiffer Sammy.Pfeiffer at student.uts.edu.au
Wed Jan 22 22:55:39 EST 2020

Hello robocup-worldwide,

I'm Sammy Pfeiffer, a PhD candidate in the University of Technology Sydney and Technical Team Lead of the team UTS Unleashed!, winners of last year's RoboCup at Home SSPL.

As part of my PhD dissertation I'm surveying experts in RoboCup Major Leagues about their approach on the software development process for these competitions in order to gather insights and hopefully improve this process for all of us.

If you are an expert in RoboCup (you participated in at least a couple of editions with your team), you think this is interesting and you have around 30-40 minutes to fill the survey, please help me help our community by following the link:


Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

P.S.: A publication will come from this work and I'll also share the anonymised data from the survey.

Sammy Pfeiffer
PhD Candidate at The Magic Lab within UTS.
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