[robocup-worldwide] PhD and Post Doc Position in vision-based navigation available at Graz University of Technology

Gerald Steinbauer steinbauer at ist.tugraz.at
Tue Aug 13 23:20:48 EDT 2019

The Institute for Software Technology of Graz University of Technology,
Graz, Austria is looking for a PhD student and a post-doc research in
the area of vision-based navigation for ground vehicles. In the project
"infrastructure-less navigation for ground vehicles" algorithm for the
navigation (primarily mapping and localization) of ground vehicles in
off-road environments using only passive sensors (primarily vision and
IMUs) and no infrastructure such as GPS will be developed. Thus, the
project is looking for persons with a strong background and interest in
development of performative vision-based large-scale mapping and
localization methods. the project will be carried out in a strong
consortium including major partners from research and industry in the
area of automotive engineering.

Required qualifications PhD position:
- relevant degree in computer science, electrical engineering, robotics,
or related area,
- strong background in robotics, computer vision, state estimation
- strong programming skills in C/C++, Matlab, ROS, Python, and
- proficient oral and written English skills

Required qualifications Post position:
- relevant PhD in the area of computer vision, navigation, robotics, or
related area,
- strong publication record in these areas,
- strong interest in development of robust and applicable algorithms

The positions are immediately open. The initial contract will run for 18
month with the possibility for extension.

To apply, contact Prof. Steinbauer (steinbauer at ist.tugraz.at) with a
single PDF file

- cover Letter describing background and motivation,
- CV including 2 references,
- transcripts of bachelor and master studies (PhD Position only), and
- a link to a PDF of the master or PhD thesis

closing date for applications: 30 September 2019 or until all positions
are filled.

For questions regarding the position please send an email to
steinbauer at ist.tugraz.at.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Gerald Steinbauer        steinbauer at ist.tugraz.at
Institut fuer Softwaretechnologie        (sekretariat at ist.tugraz.at)
Fakultaet fuer Informatik                http://www.ist.tugraz.at
Technische Universität Graz              Tel.:  ++43 316  873 5723
Inffeldgasse 16b / II                    Fax.:  ++43 316  873 5706
8010 Graz, Austria                       Mobil: ++43 664  16 88 926

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