[robocup-worldwide] Call for Papers: IJCAI Workshop on Education in Artificial Intelligence K-12

Gerald Steinbauer steinbauer at ist.tugraz.at
Wed Mar 6 03:22:43 EST 2019

The 1st International Workshop on
Education in Artificial Intelligence K-12 (EduAI)
August 10 or 11 or 12 (TBA), 2019
Macao, China

held in conjunction with IJCAI 2019


Submission deadline: April 12, 2019
Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2019
Submission of camera ready papers: June 3, 2019

The first International Workshop on Education in Artificial Intelligence 
K-12 (EduAI) addresses the emerging topic of education in AI at the K-12 
level. The workshop will be held in Macao, China as part of the IJCAI 
workshop program. Hosting the EduAI workshop as part of this conference 
represents a unique opportunity to bring together leading AI scientists 
with education researchers, educators and practitioners who focus on and 
are interested in K-12 AI education.

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has captured the attention 
of the public, and become a major topic of discussion. AI already has a 
significant influence on various areas of life and across different 
sectors and fields. The rapidity with which AI is impacting our everyday 
life as well as our working world poses a tremendous challenge for our 
society and educational system. Sound knowledge about AI, its principles 
and concepts, the ability to apply AI techniques and methods, coupled 
with the ability to analyze their long-term benefits, are becoming 21st 
century key skills. They are the basis for creating career opportunities 
and fostering a broad common understanding of AI applications and 
products. As a consequence, this also enables people to better estimate 
potential opportunities and possible risks of those upcoming 
technologies. Access to basic AI literacy, education and tools will also 
reduce the danger of social or economic exclusion of certain groups of 
people, especially women and minorities.  In this context it is 
essential to introduce fundamental concepts and techniques of AI from an 
early age. In doing so, a convenient byproduct will be the involvement 
of the child’s caregivers - parents and educators, who will also become 

Teaching fundamental AI concepts and techniques has traditionally been 
done at the university level. Education in AI at the K-12 level is still 
quite rare. However, in recent years several initiatives and projects 
pursuing the mission of K-12 AI education have emerged.
The main goal of this workshop is to bring together people who are 
actively involved with and/or interested in K-12 AI education 
(researchers, teachers, educators, practitioners) and top AI scientists, 
fostering a mutual exchange of knowledge, ideas and views between those 
groups. The workshop aims to present initiatives, projects, ideas and 
best practice examples, to get input from leading AI researchers, and to 
discuss current work, possible cooperation and future directions in the 
context of AI education in schools. Furthermore, it aims to discuss and 
find a common ground for how to best implement AI education at the K-12 

We invite submissions of research papers from researchers, 
practitioners, and educators interested in education in AI at K-12 level 
(primary, secondary).
Topics of interests include (but are not limited to):
K-12 AI educational initiatives and projects
AI curricula
AI teaching concepts and materials
social, ethical and economic aspects of AI, human factors
software and hardware tools in AI education and how those tools could 
improve teaching
AI in education
best practices for training educators to teach about AI
parental involvement in AI-literacy
approaches dealing with the question of what should be taught to prepare 
youth for a digitized world

We also welcome discussions of best practice examples and hands-on 
demonstrations of AI teaching approaches at K-12 level.

Potential participants are invited to submit either
  a full length regular paper (i.e. a paper presenting an implemented 
and evaluated AI educational project (K-12) of a considerable outreach; 
a paper describing innovative and novel approaches in the area of AI 
education; 8 pages)
  a short paper (i.e. a position paper describing specific questions and 
issues that the participants feel should be addressed; a demo paper 
describing a demonstration of an AI educational approach or tool; a 
work-in-progress paper aimed at describing recent developments, 
initiatives, best practice examples, activities or new projects that are 
not yet ready for publication as regular papers; 4 pages)

Accepted full papers will be presented orally during the workshop. 
Authors of accepted short papers will prepare a poster which will be 
presented during a workshop poster session.


Submissions are accepted in PDF format only, using the IJCAI 2019 
formatting guidelines at https://www.ijcai.org/authors_kit

Author names should be included. Regular papers must not exceed eight 
(8) and short papers must not exceed four (4) pages, including 
references and appendices. Over-length submissions will be rejected 
without review.
Papers must be submitted by the due date at the following EasyChair 
submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eduai19


The workshop contributions will be published electronically.

Gerald Steinbauer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Sven Koenig, University of Southern California, USA
Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University, Sweden
Tara Chklovski, Iridescent, USA
Martin Kandlhofer, Graz University of Technology, Austria

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