[robocup-worldwide] Fwd: [DEADLINE EXTENDED] 1st Workshop on Developments in RoboCup Leagues (WDRL) - CALL FOR PAPERS

Marco Simões msimoes at uneb.br
Tue Oct 22 13:12:09 EDT 2013

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November, 25th, 2013 – Montevideo, Uruguay
Submission deadline: October, 24th, 2013


RoboCup was founded in 1997 with the main goal of “developing by 2050 a
Robot Soccer team capable of winning against the human team champion of the
FIFA World Cup”. In the next years, RoboCup proposed several soccer
platforms that have been established as standard platforms for robotics
research. This domain demonstrated the capability of capturing key aspects
of complex real world problems, stimulating the development of a wide range
of technologies, including the design of
electrical-mechanical-computational integrated techniques for autonomous
robots. After more than 15 years of RoboCup, nowadays robot soccer
represents only a part of the available platforms. RoboCup encompasses more
than 15 major leagues that, in addition to Soccer, cover Rescue (Robots and
Simulation), @Home (assistive robots in home environments), Festo Logistics
League and @Work (Industrial environments), as well as RoboCupJunior
leagues for kids. These domains offer a wide range of platforms for
researchers with the potential to speed up the developments in the mobile
robotics field. This workshop aims to discuss the advances of the
electrical, mechanical and computational aspects of robotics based on
RoboCup platforms.


This workshop aims to present the state-of-the-art concerning Robotics and
Artificial Intelligence developments based on RoboCup leagues platforms.
All papers are required to demonstrate strong relationship with RoboCup
platforms. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

- RoboCup Soccer
- RoboCup Rescue
- RoboCup Junior
- Mobile and humanoid robots
- Robots for RoboCup real and simulated leagues
- Electronics, sensors and embedded devices
- Mechanics, materials and mechanisms
- Software, environments, programming and languages
- Robot cognition, learning, planning and reasoning
- Localization, navigation and mapping
- Motors, sensors and environment modeling
- Robot kinematics and dynamics
- Robot perception, reasoning and action
- Multi-robot systems
- Human-robot interaction
- Robotics in education and entertainment
- Algorithms and techniques extension for novel applications

(*) Specific contributions on RoboCup at home are encouraged to be submitted
to the RoboCup at home workshop in ICAR.


- Esther Luna Colombini, UNESP/FEI, Brazil
- Alexandre da Silva Simões, UNESP, Brazil
- Daniele Nardi, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Flavio Tonidandel, FEI, Brazil
- Reinaldo Augusto da Costa Bianchi, FEI, Brazil
- Luiz Celiberto Jr., FEI, Brazil


- Alexandre da Silva Simões, UNESP, Brazil
- Andrique Amorim, Col. N.S.Fátima, Brazil
- Angelo Gurzoni Junior, USP, Brazil
- Antonio Padilha, UnB, Brazil
- Carmen Faria, UFES, Brazil
- Cristiane Pelisolli Cabral, SMED-POA, Brazil
- Eduardo Bento Pereira, UFSJ, Brazil
- Erivelton Nepomuceno, UFSJ, Brazil
- Esther Luna Colombini, UNESP/FEI, Brazil
- Daniele Nardi, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Felipe Nascimento Martins, IFES, Brazil
- Fernando Sobreira, UNIFOR, Brazil
- Flavio Tonidandel, FEI, Brazil
- Guilherme Sousa Bastos, UNIFEI, Brazil
- João Alberto Fabro, UTFPR, Brazil
- Josemar Rodrigues de Souza, UNEB, Brazil
- Luiz Celiberto Jr., FEI, Brazil
- Luiz Marcos Garcia Gonçalves, UFRN, Brazil
- Marco Simões, UNEB, Brazil
- Marcos Vallim, UTFPR, Brazil
- Reinaldo Augusto da Costa Bianchi, FEI, Brazil
- Rogério Gonçalves, UFU, Brazil
- Roseli Francelin Romero, USP-SC, Brazil
- Silvia Silva da Costa Botelho, FURG, Brazil
- Tiago Pereira do Nascimento, UFPB, Brazil


- Publication policy: Papers accepted for publication will be published in
WDLR proceedings with ISBN by RoboCup Brazil. PDF containing the full paper
contributions will be published in a proceedings booklet at the workshop
- Style: Papers should be submitted in PDF format with no passwords or
encryption. Authors are asked to provide manuscripts in english using
exclusively the workshop style, available in the website in MS-Word and
LaTeX. Papers submitted in discordance with provided styles or language
will be rejected. Submitted papers should not exceed 10 pages and should
not be shorter than 5 pages. Papers are allowed to include authors
information (not blind review policy).
- Submission: Papers should be submitted by e-mail to
wdrl2013 at robocup.org.br until the midnight of the deadline (Pacific time).


The co-alocated Tutorial on RoboCup Leagues aims to present RoboCup leagues
platforms - simulated and real robots -  for undergraduate students,
graduate students and researchers. Topics include: RoboCup goals and
history; RoboCup main leagues overview; Rules, goals, key challenges and
ongoing research; Case study: typical evolution of RoboCup leagues in
electrical, mechanical and computational aspects; The next steps in
RoboCup: research tendencies for the next years. Speakers: Alexandre da
Silva Simões (UNESP, Brazil), Esther Luna Colombini (UNESP/FEI, Brazil),
Daniele Nardi (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy).


- Full Paper Submission: October 24th, 2013 (** EXTENDED DEADLINE)
- Acceptance Notification: October 27th, 2013
- Final Paper Submission: November 1st, 2013
- Workshop and Tutorial Day: November 25th, 2013


WRLD 2013 and tutorial will take place with the 16th International
Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) in the School of Engineering,
Universidad de la Republica del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay. Website:


For further questions, please contact: wdrl2013 at robocup.org.br

Marco Antonio Costa Simões
Nucleo de Arquitetura de Computadores e Sistemas Operacionais - ACSO -
Bahia Robotics Team - http://www.acso.uneb.br/brt
Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
Mestre em Ciência da Computação - UFPE
Doutorando em Ciência da Computação - UFBA
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