[robocup-worldwide] RoboCup Federation Call for Project Proposals

April Foster april.robocup at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 15:21:01 EST 2010

 RoboCup Federation
*Call for Project Proposals*


The RoboCup Federation is pleased to issue this call for proposals to fund
small efforts to benefit our RoboCup Community. We describe below the type
of activities we are targeting in 2011, the eligibility criteria, the
application procedure, the criteria for evaluation, and the award process.
The funding will be in the range $1K to $5K and the proposed activities must
be completed by the end of 2011. Given the novelty of this awarding process,
we look forward to the understanding and patience of the community, while we
converge through experience to fill in all the details of this process.


We aim at supporting three types of activities, namely:
(i) to benefit the infrastructure of our RoboCup events
(ii) to contribute to strongly RoboCup-focused research efforts
(iii) to promote the education on specific RoboCup topics

a) INFRASTRUCTURE: requests for development of infrastructure to support
enhancements of the RoboCup leagues and of the RoboCup community.
Infrastructure efforts should target software development, but not hardware
or specific materials. Requests to buy hardware for the competition
infrastructure are not accepted within this call and would be handled
outside the scope of this call.

Examples of proposals under this category are (but not limited to)
implementation of:

- Infrastructure for sharing open source code and other design best
- Game controllers
- Simulator extensions
- Middleware to support mixed teams
- Automated referees
- Automated game commentators, e.g., for facebook and/or tweeter
- Defining and mining a RoboCup social network
- Creating a database of job positions

b) EXCHANGE: requests for exchange of team members to promote interchange
and integration of research from different sources.

Examples of proposals under this category are (but not limited to):

- student exchange among RoboCup Teams (not applicable to Junior students)
- faculty exchange among RoboCup Teams
- RoboCup camp/workshop attendance
- Conference attendance for presentation of RoboCup papers

c) EDUCATION: requests for support of RoboCup events, excluding competitions

Examples of proposals under this category are (but not limited to):

- RoboCup camps
- RoboCup workshops (standalone or in connection with other conferences or
- resources for the academic community and/or general public to help them
understand the purpose and the technical achievements of RoboCup


The applicants must be Team Leaders (from 2009-2010), Members of League
Technical Committees, Execs, or Trustees. For Junior leagues, only Members
of League Technical Committees, Execs or Trustees can submit applications
for activities of type 1-a) and 1-c) only. Multiple applications for the
same goal are possible (although not encouraged). In this case, each
application must be submitted separately, but it should clearly indicate the
relationship with other applications. Each application must include a
curriculum vitae of the applicant (including a publication list) and a
description of the proposed activity (suggested length 2 pages) clearly
stating the objectives, the technical content and the impact on the RoboCup

Applications can be submitted by January 14th 2011 and require 2 steps:
1) fill in the questionannaire at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DFCFQ2V
2) send the files by by email to: april.robocup at gmail.com


The proposal will be evaluated by a specific committee of the Trustees of
the RoboCup Federation according to the following criteria:

- quality of the proposal (technical content and presentation)
- benefit for the RoboCup Community
- scientific merit of the applicant
- adequacy of resources and budget

In case of need, the committee may ask for proposal evaluators from within
or external to our community. The outcome of the evaluation will be
communicated via email at the address specified in the application by
January 31st 2011.


Given the diversity of our community, with different financial constraints
for each country and institution, we envision providing the financial
support in one of three forms:

a) check reimbursement
b) voucher for registration fees at RoboCup
c) cash reimbursement at the RoboCup event

The timing for awarding of the support will be set as a function of the
needs of the activity. In general, it will be based on the completion of the
activity, the presentation of a summary report, and original receipts, as
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