[robocup-small] Candidate recommendation for 2021-2022 TC/OC members

Masahide ITO masa-ito at ist.aichi-pu.ac.jp
Wed Jun 23 06:06:51 EDT 2021

Dear SSL RoboCuppers,

The current EC members (Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa) are looking for a nice person as a TC/OC/EC member to RoboCup 2022.
Could you please (self-)recommend candidates of TC/OC members to RoboCup 2022 at the following link?:

Note that
- *one* answer from one team can be accepted;
- the deadline is 12:00 UTC on Friday 25 June.

Let’s enjoy RoboCup 2021!!  Thanks!

Best regards,
Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa

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