[robocup-small] Team Leader meeting summary

Carla Cosenza carlaszecosenza at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 20 17:30:07 EST 2020


Firstly, thank you to all the team leaders who participated in our meeting! We had important discussions about the league and many interesting suggestions were made. Following up on one of the suggestions, we would like to ask all division A teams to fill out this form<https://forms.gle/USKHXzynu2yh9DDi9>. This will give us a better understanding on which teams want to try having matches with walls so that we can accommodate it accordingly,

Please fill this<https://forms.gle/USKHXzynu2yh9DDi9> out by 24 of January.

All the other topics talked about are found in this doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IUZ7o8Z7wXe-BFXQOsCmQ3Z-ielWMzkHt0PYEMT0giw/edit?usp=sharing>. Any teams that did not manage to participate in the meeting, please look at what was discussed in the doc and inform us if there are any other topics you want to discuss.

Some of the rule changes do not require any more general discussions or pondering on, therefore we will start implementing the rules in dedicated pull requests on GitHub<https://github.com/RoboCup-SSL/ssl-rules> and move any clarifications and detailed questions there, so keep an eye for them!

Remember that the deadline for submitting your qualification material is January 21 at the end of the day, everywhere on earth. We are also replying to your intent of participation emails confirming that we received them.

Thank you!

Carla Cosenza

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