[robocup-small] Proposed Changes for RoboCup 2014

Joydeep Biswas joydeepb at ri.cmu.edu
Tue Jan 7 12:08:49 EST 2014

Dear Small Size League RoboCuppers,

After considerable deliberation, the SSL TC and OC are proposing a number
of changes, outlined and discussed in detail in the following shared


We request all the teams to go through the proposed rules changes and
provide feedback using the following survey form by January 21st, 2014:


Here are the proposed rules change topics. Please see the shared document
for details.

   1. Change of field size to the double-sized field.
   2. Restriction on chip-kicks crossing the midline.
   3. Fair multiple-defender rule.
   4. Penalizing collisions and unsporting gameplay.
   5. Robot speed limit during stoppage of gameplay.
   6. Change of tournament format.
   7. Technical Challenges, including:
      1. Double-sized field test (compulsory if not adopted in RC2014)
      2. Auto-Referee
      3. Standardized radio server communication


The Technical and Organization Committees of the RoboCup SSL, 2014.
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