[robocup-small] New Field Drawings

Michael Bleier michael.bleier at robotics-erlangen.de
Sat Jun 22 13:05:40 EDT 2013

Dear teams,

We have been informed by the local organizer that the team Cyrus has
not registered for RoboCup 2013. Therefore, we removed Cyrus from the
team list for the group assignment.

Find attached the updated official team file for the generation of the

Looking forward to seeing you all in Eindhoven.

Michael Bleier
On behalf of the Technical Committee

On 06/22/2013 10:13 AM, Christopher Head wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Due to a number of problems, we are retracting the field assignments we
> previously published:
> (1) Immortals was included in the list of teams, even though we had
> been informed ahead of time that they would not be attending the
> competition.
> (2) The choice of which teams to seed was made improperly, not
> according to the published rules for seeding.
> (3) The process was not fully transparent—although the method for
> choosing random seed numbers was published ahead of time, the list of
> input teams for the generator and the source code to the generator
> itself were not published.
> (4) The way we chose seed numbers was not ideal. FIFA games are 90
> minutes long, so using the number of minutes of goals allowed the seed
> numbers to be only between 1 and 90; using two numbers in that range
> provides only about 13 bits of entropy. The actual entropy would even
> be slightly lower (about 12 bits), because the first number will very
> often be smaller than the second. This is not enough entropy to ensure
> that all valid field assignments could potentially be generated.
> To address these issues, we will be rerunning the field assignment
> process tomorrow, Sunday, 2013-06-23.
> The source code to the generator program is published at
> <https://github.com/Hawk777/ssl-grouping>. This program takes as input
> the list of teams, with each team assigned to a bin (1 for top four
> seeded, 2 for next four seeded, and 3 for all the others, in this case)
> and also a country. The program generates a random assignment of teams
> to fields, such that the bin 1 teams are spread across fields and the
> bin 2 teams are also spread across fields. Also, if the result has two
> teams from the same country in the same field, it will start over and
> generate a new assignment.
> The input file we will be using is attached to this e-mail. How that
> file was generated is as follows. First, the top four teams from last
> year (Skuba, ZJUNlict, KIKS, and Parsian) are listed from highest to
> lowest rank in bin 1, because the generator does not reorder these top
> teams—this ensures that Skuba will be on field A, ZJUNlict on field B,
> KIKS on field C, and Parsian on field D; we have extended this
> privilege to Skuba because, if there is any difference between the
> fields, then field A is likely the more desirable field (e.g. due to
> bleachers for spectators). Second, bin 2 has MRL and RoboDragons listed
> in alphabetical order, followed by two dummy entries to bring the bin
> up to four teams; normally this bin would finish the top eight teams,
> but that is not possible because Immortals will not be attending the
> competition and RoboFEI did not submit an ETDP. Finally, all the
> remaining teams are in bin 3, again in alphabetical order, with one
> dummy team to bring the count up to a multiple of four. You can see all
> the dummy teams in the input file are listed as the same country; this
> ensures that the fields will only have one team more or less than each
> other, because the program will not put two dummies on the same field.
> To select the two numbers the generator uses as seeds, we will be using
> a service called random.org. As described above (problem #4), most ways
> of choosing two numbers from things like soccer games or lotteries do
> not provide enough bits of entropy to perform a fully random assignment
> of teams. Random.org is a service that provides random data for many
> purposes, both free and commercial, based on radios tuned to pick up
> atmospheric noise. One of the services available on random.org is the
> ability to generate random integers based on a date; the site generates
> a list of numbers on that date, and from that time forward, anyone can
> go to the site and get the same numbers by entering the same parameters
> and date. To find this service, go to random.org, under Numbers choose
> Integers, click Switch to Advanced Mode, and choose the option to use a
> pregenerated randomization from a particular date. We will set the
> number of requested numbers to 2, the minimum value to 1, the maximum
> value to 1000000000 (1 billion), and the date to 2013-06-23. As an
> example, if we had used 2013-06-22 (today) instead, the two numbers
> would have been 415456377 and 424795746.
> We will publish the field grouping as soon as this is done; however, if
> you wish, as soon as midnight UTC 2013-06-23 has passed, you should be
> able to generate the grouping yourselves by using random.org and
> downloading and building the generator.
> Thanks, and sorry for the confusion!
> Chris
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-------------- next part --------------
# Bin 1 (Top 4 of previous year who submitted ETDPs, in points order)

1 Thailand 	Skuba
1 China		ZJUNlict
1 Japan 	KIKS
1 Iran	 	Parsian

# Bin 2 (Next 4 of previous year who submitted ETDPs, in alpha order)

2 Iran		MRL
2 Japan 	RoboDragons
2 Dumm		Dummy1
2 Dumm		Dummy2

# Bin 3 (Normal teams, in alpha order)

3 Turkey 	BRocks
3 USA		CMDragons
3 Pakistan	EMEnents
3 Germany 	ER-Force
3 Japan		MCT_Susanoo_Logics
3 Cyprus	NEUIslanders
3 Japan		ODENS
3 USA		RFC_Cambridge
3 Brazil 	RoboFEI
3 Brazil	RoboIME
3 USA 		RoboJackets
3 Colombia 	STOxs
3 Canada	Thunderbots
3 Germany 	TIGERS_Mannheim
3 Dumm		Dummy3
3 Dumm		Dummy4

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