[robocup-small] a design question

Hakan Karaoguz hk84776 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 11:58:10 EDT 2008


I have a question about the mechanical design of the robots. Currently we
have a 4 wheeled omni directional prototype robot but we cannot control its
movement precisely. It is nearly impossible to move the robot in all
directions in a smooth manner and without changing its initial orientation.
Our wheels are all have different angles but their distances to the robots
geometric center are the same. We think the wheel distances of the front and
rear wheels to the geometric center of the robot must be different in order
to cancel the total torque applied to the geometric center. This will
let the robot to move correctly without changing its orientation by
itself. I want to learn whether we think in the right direction or the
problem is not related to wheel distances.
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