[robocup-small] IranOpen2008

Asad Norouzi assadn at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 4 15:35:26 EST 2007

**********appologies for duplicate messages**********

Dear All RoboCuppers!

I am pleased to inform you about RoboCup IranOpen2008 competitions which will be held at Azad University of Qazvin in 3-5 April. It is for 

the first time that IranOpen is being held at a university campus and thereby we have brilliant plans to make it far more than just a 

competition. The official website of the competitions is http://www.iranopen2008.ir

We will also have considerable travel supports for our international teams. Please contact me to get more information regarding the travel 


IranOpen2008 leagues are:

-Middle Size
-Small size
- at Home
-Soccer 3D Simulation
-Soccer 2D Simulation
-Mixed Reality
-Rescue Real
-Rescue Agent
-Rescue Virtual Robot
-Junior Rescue
-Junior soccer Secondary 1 on 1
-Junior soccer Secondary 2 on 2
****non-RoboCup leagues****
-Senior Demo
-Junior Demo

Pre-registration starts from 6 Dec, 2007 and is continued until 4 Jan, 2008. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

Hope to see you all!

Best Regards,
Asad Norouzi

IranOpen2008 Organizing Chair

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