[robocup-small] Proposal for energy budget

Sean Verret sean.verret at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 10:02:55 EDT 2005

Hi Everyone,

I've been watching this conversation for a while now and decided to respond 
to this proposal by Beng. First of all, for those who don't know I'm a 
former member of Team Canuck from the University of Alberta, and a former 
member of the Technical Committee for the SSL. I think this proposal was 
first brought up in 2003 in Italy if I remember correctly. 

I very much like this proposal and would urge the TC to consider it perhaps 
not necessarily for 06 but indeed for 07. I think Raul's suggestion also has 
merit but it involves a vision system monitoring all the robots and 
monitoring their health. Not to mention, who's going to create the "virtual 
referee", my guess is that it will not prove to be reliable in the near 
future, nor is it a research topic that is necessarily "interesting" for 
most teams.

This suggestion by Beng will stop the arms race that has been happening 
every year for the past 5 years. Instead of coming home from Robocup and 
saying, we have to get faster, we have to build stronger kickers, we have to 
build chip kickers, we need more powerful dribblers, teams will come back 
and say, we have to pass better, we have to play as a team better, we have 
to be smarter, we have to monitor our health, etc. These are the 
"interesting" problems in my mind. 

I personally think the SSL should be able to be at an intelligence level 
that is just below that of the simulation league. Instead of everyone 
worrying about the "merger" with the MSL, why don't we instead perhaps think 
the other way and say, "when are we going to merge with the simulation 
league?" Now I don't think that is in the near future, however the 
simulation league teams open up their source (I believe) after every year 
and all SSL teams should have the ability to employ some of the simulation 
league's plays and strategies.

So instead of trying to build faster, stronger robots why not build smarter, 
more aware, more intelligent robots?

Just my 2 cents.
Sean Verret

e: sean.verret at gmail.com
p: (403) 581-3624
w: http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~verret
skype: sean.verret
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