[robocup-small] Re: robocup-small Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1

Chinmay Panchal cpalengg at yahoo.co.in
Sat Feb 12 00:36:49 EST 2005

respected chair,
i wish to confirm the requirements of qualification materials. of what i could understand is, we require
1) Team description paper (TDP)
2) Team video respecting the mentioned requisites
3) Travel support form.
of which the TDP and Travel suppot form has to be mailed to the chair, while the video should be given a valid ftp ot http link.
the site mentions the last date for the submission of materials as Feb 15,2005, while this original mail mentiones it to be March 1,2005. what date should we follow?
i assume that responding to the "symposium call for papers" is not a mandatory event. Kindly confirm and oblige. Thank you.

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