[robocup-nao] B-Human Code Release 2019

Thomas Röfer thomas.roefer at dfki.de
Wed Oct 2 05:30:14 EDT 2019

Hi RoboCuppers!

The team B-Human announces the availability of our 2019 code release at


It is the most advanced B-Human code ever along with our most beautiful report! Many thousands of lines of open source code and almost 200 pages of documentation. The software released is a cleaned-up version of the system we used in the RoboCup 2019 finals.

Many improvements were made, for instance:

- We support the NAO V6 (only). To run it, you need the RoboCup-only firmware for the NAO that you can get through the Technical Committee.

- Our framework now supports running modules in an arbitrary number of threads.

- We have a new automatic camera calibration.

- Our deep neural network for ball detection now also provides the center and the radius of the ball detected. Its training data was augmented to support the detection of balls under arbitrary lighting conditions such as (partial) shadows on the ball.

- Other players are detected by a deep neural network.

- The behavior is now described using our new Skills and Cards system. The behavior itself was removed from the code release.

- The get up routine is now both very reliable and fast.

Our software is released with its own 3-D simulator. Microsoft Windows 64 bit, Linux 64 bit, and macOS are fully supported.

Please note that the new code is released within the same repository that we used for our previous releases. The old releases are marked with tags in that repository.

We strongly believe in sharing our developments and look forward to the code releases of others.

Have fun :-)

Team B-Human

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