[robocup-msrs] Announcement about Microsoft Participation in RoboCup 2009

Kyle Johns kylej at microsoft.com
Mon Apr 20 16:43:47 EDT 2009

Microsoft has been a sponsor of RoboCup for the past two years and plans to continue its support of this unique and innovative event. With the competition in 2009 we are relocating our partnership with RoboCup from our product development team to our colleagues in Microsoft Research, with a new focus on Human-Robot Interaction research. More about this new focus is planned to be presented at the upcoming 2009 competition in Graz.

An important implication of this change is that we will not be sponsoring a Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio Simulation Competition this year. Our product team is fully engaged in the development of future products and, regrettably, will not be able to support such a competition. We express our sincere appreciation to those teams who participated in our competitions in Atlanta and Suzhou and we look forward to continuing our partnership with RoboCup to help move robotics research forward.

-Kyle Johns


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